House Republicans Already Squabbling for Power as MINORITY Leader

The radical agenda pushed by Walz and his Communist minions in the Legislature has destroyed our state and Patriots statewide are fed up. Meanwhile, the MNGOP continues lose elections and fail at giving Minnesotans a check and balance over the Democrats' one party rule. Taking over a chamber of government within Minnesota could give an opportunity for conservative measures to be passed through a legislative body and radical laws can be blocked like the pro-pedophile, pro-child mutilation, and anti-freedom agenda of the Democrats. Unfortunately, capitol insiders say Minnesota House Republicans have given up on winning and are now fighting over leadership roles in the minority rather than the majority.

The November 5th general election is one week away and all eyes are on the HRCC/MNGOP to see if they can actually deliver a House majority. The signs are not good. As we have previously reported, House Dems have outraised GOP candidates by a margin of 6 to 1 in swing districts and we’ve reported two GOP State Representatives have called out the HRCC for supporting unendorsed RINOs. Instead of saving up money for the general election swing races, the HRCC wasted TENS OF THOUSANDS of dollars defending unendorsed RINO, career-politicians in deep red district primaries

The political vultures are already circling overhead to feed. Republicans are staring down the barrel of four straight election cycles of defeat and no House majority. Capitol insiders have informed Action 4 Liberty that GOP members have already begun jockeying for leadership positions. The political carcass that remains after this election may become a dog-fight.

We learned that the following individuals are already campaigning or maneuvering for Republican Minority Leader:

Rep. Jeff Backer (9A)

Rep. Isaac Schultz (10B)

Rep. Dave Baker (16B)

Rep. Harry Niska (31A)

Rep. Nolan West (32A)

Rep. Elliot Engen (36A)

Rep. Jim Nash (48A)

You read that right! The House Republicans are running for “Minority Leader” planning that they’ll fail to get a House majority once again. Sources say that current current leadership is eyeing other offices to leave the failed House behind for good. We'll see how this all plays out. 

We recieved word that phone calls have been flying around to Republican Representatives for weeks all over the state! It is clear that they are trying to secure votes for leadership positions including Minority Leader instead of focusing on the election right in front of their faces! They have stupidly wasted TENS OF THOUSANDS of dollars on primaries on behalf of unendorsed RINOs running against grassroots conservatives! However, how can we trust that any of this will change?

Why squabble over leadership positions under Democrat rule when the election is still to take place? That is like re-arranging furniture on the Titanic! If they want to cause REAL change, they would push a Liberty agenda that exposes Democrats as big government tyrants! If the MNGOP and HRCC put all of their energy and money into defeating Democrats and pushing a pro-freedom agenda then there would likely be no need to fight for minority leadership at all!

The real question is: How many years of losing will it take for the Republicans to realize that it costs them more to fight against liberty activists that to pick up their concerns to fight for them? Only time will tell.

Action 4 Liberty will continue to speak truth to power and provide transparency when our elected officials fail to do so. We will continue to provide information and news on this matter as it comes on our radar.

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  • Action 4 Liberty
    published this page in News 2024-10-28 14:37:52 -0500