GOP Legislators Call Out HRCC Protecting Unendorsed Incumbents

Grassroots conservatives across our state are desperately hoping for Republicans to retake the State House to fight the woke, disgusting, and anti-taxpayer agenda of the Democrats. Minnesota has become a one party dictatorship thanks to Walz and the radical leftists in the Legislature. The last few legislative sessions we have seen just how out of touch the Democrats are with regular people which gives the MNGOP a golden opportunity this election.

The MNGOP has a party unit called the House Republican Campaign Committee (HRCC) which has wasted money protecting RINO, career politician incumbents over conservative opponents in deep red districts. We recently reported that the corrupt HRCC spent $35K protecting RINOs Ron Kresha (10A), Greg Davids (26B), and Brian Johnson (28A) in primaries that each have ZERO chance of flipping to the Democrats. The HRCC is an incumbency protection racket rather than a party unit seeking to defeat Democrats.

Article 5, Section 3.A.5 of the MNGOP Constitution states that party resources can only be used to benefit endorsed candidates. As a party unit, the HRCC is obligated to follow the party constitution and only support endorsed candidates. Despite the obvious Constitutional violations we have reported on, no action has been taken to stop the corrupt tactics by the Establishment to attack grassroots Patriots who want real conservatives representing them.

The HRCC is seemingly led by House Minority Leader Lisa “Kamala” Demuth as indicated by CFB filings. However she is an empty suit front woman for the GOP while the money gets shuffled to the selected RINO puppets approved by the HRCC’s Steering Committee. Like Kamala, Demuth is not leading her given operation, she was the chosen puppet to replace RINO Kurt Daudt. She is clearly supportive of the corrupt establishment funding as she held a pre-primary fundraiser for the unendorsed RINOs Kresha, Davids, and Johnson. Demuth is an incompetent strategist during legislative floor fights and has a history of voting for woke legislation (she also has a 51% lifetime score with A4L scorecards). 

The real people controlling what is going on are the members of the steering committee, who are unknown to the public and even to Legislators! What is known is that RINO Josh Heintzeman is the Steering Committee Chair despite having no elected leadership role within the caucus! Even though there are plenty of Assistant Minority Leader titles to give out, Heintzeman obviously is not respected by the caucus enough to get one for himself. Despite that, he is somehow in charge of the secret HRCC steering committee that is screwing over conservative candidates in red districts! 

Heintzeman recently participated in a debate where he faced off against a Democrat and a third party, “Americans First” candidate Troy Scheffler. While most state representative forums are a snoozefest, Scheffler made it interesting and held Heintzeman’s feet to the fire several times. In one instance Scheffler called out the Democrat money being laundered through the HRCC. You might find some of the comment section of the debate to be very interesting too! See below:

State Rep. and MNGOP Strategic Outreach & Engagement Director Walter Hudson (30A) recently appeared on an episode of The Truth Hurts and said that the HRCC should not be spending money against endorsed candidates. The following week, Rep. Mike Wiener (5B) appeared on The Truth Hurts and issued the same sentiment (more strongly than Hudson) and demanded more transparency into the HRCC. It is clear from those conversations that Legislators have been left in the dark. Neither were able to name the members of the steering committee or point to any Constitution or rules governing over the HRCC.

As we previously reported, the House Democrats outspent the GOP by a margin of 6 to 1 in swing districts, giving Republicans little opportunity to win. Additionally, the ‘DFL House Caucus’ has twice as much cash on hand as the HRCC as of 3/31/24 according to CFB filings. Minnesota is a deep red state outside of the twin cities but the GOP cannot capitalize thanks to failed leadership.

The HRCC has shot themselves in the foot and it is clear that they will fail again at winning the House. The HRCC is a vindictive organization that is failing to uphold its duties within the MNGOP Constitution. The incompetence and wasting of money by the HRCC is a self-imposed defeat. The MNGOP must revoke the HRCC as a party unit until they abide by the endorsements made by the local grassroots! Do not give the HRCC a penny, it may be spent against a conservative candidate you love!

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  • Action 4 Liberty
    published this page in News 2024-10-16 22:50:41 -0500