How the HRCC Failed to Get a GOP Majority

With the election now done and over with, it is time to put the pieces together and analyze what went so wrong for the MNGOP in Minnesota. We have now just witnessed another win for Democrats as they will retain power in the state legislature for another two years. Failed leadership by Republicans has taken our state to this point. It is clear that RINO Chair David Hann and other MNGOP “leaders” have failed by every metric possible.

The State House appears to be a COMPLETE deadlock with 67 Republicans and 67 Democrats who have either won or are leading their district. At least two races appear that they will go to recount races due to the close margins. This will cause MASSIVE issues around leadership positions and passing legislation in MN. This will be a critical opportunity to block the radical woke agenda if Republicans grow a spine!

The radical agenda passed by Democrats in the last two years gave an incredible chance for Republicans to target swing districts with key messaging to prove how far left Minnesota has gotten with Dems in charge. The HRCC and MNGOP could have been building a unified machine for endorsed candidates to oppose Democrats but instead they chose a divisive, anti-grassroots path.

The HRCC’s Chair, Josh Heintzeman, and failed GOP House leader Lisa Demuth used the HRCC to support unendorsed incumbent RINOs in deep red districts to the tune of $35K in the GOP primaries! The abuse of the HRCC as an incumbency protection racket is bad enough on its own but this is also a violation of the MNGOP Constitution because the HRCC is a party unit and is obligated to only support endorsed candidates. 

The wasted party resources protecting RINOs should have all been used in swing district general elections rather than deep red primary races. Is the enemy of the HRCC the Democrats or is it grassroots conservatives? The more you learn about them, it becomes clear the answer is the latter.

Another reason the GOP has failed again to capture the state House is due to the monetary advantage held by Democrats. We reported in October that the House Democrats outspent the HRCC in swing districts by a margin of 6 to 1! This is partially due to grassroots conservatives refusing to give their hard-earned money to corrupt crooks like the HRCC. The MNGOP is considered just as, if not more corrupt than the HRCC as David Hann and the Executive Committee have refused to hold the HRCC accountable for violating the party Constitution as a party unit. All trust has been lost between the GOP “leadership” and the grassroots.

Action 4 Liberty targeted swing district Democrat legislators during the fight to end Walz’ unconstitutional powers and we are proud to announce that all of the phony moderates that we brought massive pressure to were either fired by their voters or they didn’t run again because they knew they would lose! Our tactics and style are proven winners but the establishment RINOs fight us because we threaten their power! Action 4 Liberty believes we should live in a Constitutional Republic regardless of the corrupt party and politicians that are offended!

Another consideration to make surrounds the only state Senate seat up for grabs. With the Senate at 33-33, this race could have completely reshaped the Senate and given Republicans a chamber of the Legislature to block radical left ideas and push a liberty agenda (not that they ever would). Instead of committing all resources and energy on the race, GOP Senate “Leader” Mark Johnson dropped the ball and kept Senate GOP money for the future.

In a couple of swing districts, we see the HRCC's failures clear as day. House District 14B featured a matchup between Sue Eck and vodka chugging, DWI Dan Wolgamott. Wolgamott was in deep trouble in this race following his DWI and arrest after he was caught chugging vokda in a liquor store parking lot but the HRCC chose to divert resources away from Eck in order to support unendorsed RINO Ron Kresha in 10A. Dan is leading Eck by a mere 28 votes! In House District 41A, ONLY 13 votes separates radical left Brad Tabke and Republican nominee Aaron Paul. Results can be seen here. If the HRCC focused on these races instead of deep red district primaries, the GOP would have a majority!

If the MNGOP ever wants to have a chance at winning again, new leadership is needed. David Hann has been the Democrat’s favorite chair of the MNGOP because he has run it into the ground and made it seriously uncompetitive. His failures as Chair, Lisa Demuth and Mark Johnson’s failures as legislative leaders, and Josh Heintzeman failures as HRCC Chair are the major actors at fault for the GOP not delivering. We have previously reported on the politicians already campaigning to take over as Minority “Leader”. 

Action 4 Liberty has called upon the MNGOP to revoke the HRCC’s party unit status but it will take much more than that to save this state. David Hann and all other “leaders” responsible for this election’s losses must be removed from office and replaced with a Patriot who will not sell out conservative values!

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  • Patrick Vollmuth
    commented 2024-11-08 00:09:27 -0600
    Aaron Paul and Brad Tabke race is 54A not 41A
  • Action 4 Liberty
    published this page in News 2024-11-06 15:27:31 -0600