Introducing the Stop Vaccine Mandates Amendment to Save Jobs

In the next month, Republican Senator Paul Gazelka, Democrat Speaker Melissa Hortman and Tim Walz will meet behind closed doors to make a deal on the $250 Million Frontline Workers Pay Bill before the September Special Session. The bill will distribute money to those fighting on the frontlines during the COVID-19 pandemic. Meanwhile, many of those workers are also about to get fired because they refuse to take the experimental vaccine.

This is an extremely important health freedom issue. If we get this one wrong, we are going to lose more of our freedoms. Which is why it's great to know that Rep Erik Mortensen has a plan. He's drafted a Stop Vaccine Mandates Amendment with the help of nurses and medical staff. We must tie the Stop Vaccine Mandates Amendment to the Frontline Workers Pay Bill and make sure it becomes part of the deal.

We need you to DEMAND that your state representative and state senator do not agree to sign the $250 Million Frontline Workers Pay bill unless it includes the Rep Erik Mortensen's Stop Vaccine Mandates Amendment with it.

We absolutely cannot let the authoritarians win on this issue. Health freedom is a fundamental right. It must be protected!

Many people didn't believe we would be able to End Walz' Emergency Powers, but your phone calls and emails put pressure on legislators, and we succeeded in June. And now it's extremely obvious that if Walz would still have those powers, he'd be masking us all up again.

Politicians in St Paul are afraid of you! That's why you still have the power. If you do not like what they are doing, they know you can remove them from office.

Rep Erik Mortensen's Stop Vaccine Mandates Amendment would make Biden's recent illegal order unenforceable in Minnesota. We MUST get this passed!

Here's what it does:

==> Restricts government, business, educational facilities and medical facilities from mandating vaccination as a requirement for work

==> Stops vaccine passports implementation in Minnesota to protect private health rights

==> Nullifies any President Biden executive orders or laws by the U.S. Congress in the state of Minnesota; makes them unenforceable

You want to see this thing become law? We don't have much time, we must ACT NOW! A lot of people, putting pressure on their legislators with phone calls and emails makes a HUGE difference. That's how we were able to End Walz' Emergency Powers.

Demand that your state representative and state senator signs the Stop Vaccine Mandates Pledge and sends the signed pledge to [email protected] 



Don't let your representative and senator try to divert from what you are asking them to do. They will likely make false accusations at us or say this isn't possible. BUT THESE ARE LIES! If we don't use this opportunity RIGHT NOW to pass it, we will lose this freedom! They MUST do the right thing.

We can't thank you enough for putting pressure on these legislators. It WILL make a difference. If you haven't signed our Stop Vaccine Mandates petition yet, please add your signature on it. And send it to friends and family.






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  • Michele Mayzlik
    commented 2021-08-30 21:21:29 -0500
    Stop the Mandate!!
  • Arlene Kroll
    commented 2021-08-28 06:58:45 -0500
    Stop the mandate!
  • Penny Walters
    commented 2021-08-26 14:48:11 -0500
    Penny Walters
  • Jake Duesenberg
    published this page in News 2021-08-20 08:59:31 -0500