It is important to follow what is going on in the world, because the tactics that Globalists pursue elsewhere first will inevitably come to the US.
Ireland’s left wing radicals are now pushing a bill that would allow Irish police to enter people’s homes, take their phones, search through anything warrantlessly, and lock you up if you say anything deemed “hate speech”.
The woke social credit score system comes in all shapes and sizes, and will be masked as a tool to help the “common good”. However, limitations on speech have always been the tactic of authoritarians and the same is true today. Attempts to throw people in prison for use of their free speech will always favor the establishment ruling class globalists, and never the individuals they are pretending to support.
Keep in mind that this debate comes off of the heels of the Dublin riot which was sparked by a stabbing of a woman and three young children by a Muslim immigrant from Algeria. The intent of the criminal is still unknown, whether that be jihad or otherwise. A Muslim city councilor in Ireland called for protesters to be shot in the head or beaten to death in the public square. He has since backed away from those comments, but it is beyond evident that many politicians have an absolute disdain for the common people they are supposed to represent.
US Senator JD Vance and journalist Michael Shellenberger have sounded the alarms and called out this creeping tyranny that will target and attack grassroots people for freedoms they have through God, not government. The bill itself would allow for Irish citizens to be imprisoned for up to five years if they violate this draconian woke language policing. In this bill the following categories will be selectively enforced by a corrupt judicial system:
A4L has been on the frontlines on free speech issues like this. We immediately called out and fought the hate speech database that radical left MN Legislators were pushing in January 2023. This battle is already at our doorsteps and must be fought!
Free speech and free expression is paramount to a citizen’s freedom. As Ron Paul has said “We don’t have the freedom of speech to talk about the weather. We have the First Amendment so we can say some very controversial things.” And when hate speech is indeed present, the only way to defeat bad arguments is with good arguments through open exchange. Freedom has all the answers we need, if we have the guts to be free.
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