Isanti County Passes Resolution Nullifying Unconstitutional Gun Laws

On Tuesday, Isanti County became the latest county to pass a Second Amendment sanctuary resolution, thanks to the efforts of local grassroots activists and Action 4 Liberty.

Introduced by Commissioner Alan Duff, the “Second Amendment Dedicated County Resolution” sought to nullify any unconstitutional gun grabs initiated by Democrats in St. Paul. 

When the resolution was first considered back in March, both A4L activists and grassroots conservatives packed the room in support of the Second Amendment. 

Yesterday, the Isanti County Board of Commissioners voted 3-2 to pass the resolution. This is despite efforts from the County Attorney to encourage a strongly-worded letter to Democrat legislators, instead. Nevertheless, Commissioner Duff pushed forward with his resolution.

Watch Video of the Vote

The resolution affirms the county's commitment to uphold the Second Amendment and resist any attempts to infringe on the constitutional rights of its citizens.

The passage of the resolution comes amid a nationwide debate over gun rights and gun control. In recent years, several states and counties have passed similar resolutions, declaring themselves Second Amendment sanctuaries and pledging to resist any attempts to infringe on the right to keep and bear arms.

Democrats in St. Paul are hell-bent on getting Universal Background Checks and Red Flag Laws passed into law. Regardless of that outcome, Isanti County residents can rest assured that their county is committed to upholding their constitutional rights.

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  • William Beck
    published this page in News 2023-04-05 12:23:26 -0500