Judge Rules Against Health Care Workers in Mandate Case

Vaccine mandates will remain in effect after a federal judge's swift decision in favor of Minnesota's large medical conglomerates. The case was brought by 188 health care workers who feared losing their job due to their refusal to get the experimental jab.

One of the issues in the suit, according to court observers, is that none of the plaintiffs had been fired. The medical conglomerates had approved religious and medical exemptions and not fired a single person who refused to get the vaccine. Of course, firings are likely to come soon.

The other issue, raised by the defense, is that the plaintiffs in the case remained anonymous. U.S. District Judge Nancy Brasel stated to the plaintiff's attorney, "you're asking the defendants to defend against employment claims brought by individuals who work for them and not telling them who those individuals are." The reason for anonymity was to protect the workers from employer retaliation.

Although the ruling is a setback, the case was not outright dismissed.

Action 4 Liberty continues to advise people to not put faith in the court system post-COVID. Judges have ruled in favor of tyrannical government and corporate edicts that violate basic personal liberties over and over again. The best course to solve the problem of intrusive vaccine mandates is to pass the Stop Vaccine Mandate Amendment in the upcoming Special Session. Learn more here.

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  • Jake Duesenberg
    published this page in News 2021-10-13 08:34:44 -0500