Larvita on Fox & Friends Again - Refuses to Obey Walz' Illegal Orders

Larvita McFarquhar, the small business owner from Lynd, MN who REFUSED to comply with Governor Walz' illegal orders, was on Fox & Friends again this morning.


Government bullies have stripped Larivita of her food license, threatened her with jail time and are looking to arrest her for operating a legal business. But she WON'T BACK DOWN!

This courageous act of defiance is already spreading to other areas of the state. We met with another patriot named Jane who plans to open her Boardwalk Bar & Grill in East Grand Forks on Wednesday. Jane saw the ridiculousness of Walz' illegal orders that allow big box stores to be open. She told me that across the border in North Dakota, businesses is booming. And it's killing East Grand Forks.

I know what Jane means. Last night I took a trip over to Hudson, WI to feel normal again but couldn't get a table anywhere. There were three hour wait times and a sea of Minnesota license plates. Are you kidding me?!

Walz is a destroyer of jobs and businesses. And it's time this nonsense ends. So we stand with Larvita, Jane and all other businesses who will defy Governor Walz. Will you?



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  • Jacqui Rogers
    commented 2020-12-07 12:41:26 -0600
    No science , no truth , just spite and hate from the very people we elect .
  • Janis Dean
    commented 2020-12-07 12:40:20 -0600
    Im done with government telling us what to do! Might be different if the government actually knew what they were doing, but they don’t. They are tripping over their own lies.
  • Doreen Hanson
    commented 2020-12-06 14:09:02 -0600
    Just Evil what these Democrat Governors are doing to USA. If Big Chain Stores and malls can be Open so can Every Small Independent Business!!! They’ve NEVER shut down Economy for anything before!!! CDC has said now ONLY 6% of marked Covid Deaths is really COVID! Why an Election year, put out 60M mailin ballots for Voter Fraud
  • Jake Duesenberg
    published this page in News 2020-12-06 10:23:37 -0600