Give it All Back! That was the resounding call from taxpayers as the legislative session was coming to a close. Minnesotans were overcharged by $12 Billion, but big spending Republicans and Democrats were cutting deals on how to spend our money.
Now the Legislature and Governor are discussing coming back and spending the surplus during a Special Session. This is unbelievable! Republicans have the ultimate bargaining position. They don't have to spend a dime of our money; instead, they can let voters decide this fall if the Legislature should Give It All Back!
RINO Majority Leader Jeremy Miller is meeting behind closed doors with awful Governor Tim Walz to hash out the final details of a "deal." We can't let these guys spend OUR surplus money! It's about $4,000 per taxpayer - they owe you and me A LOT of money.
I don't know about you, but my family could sure use that money right now. When the government overtaxes us, they should be returning the money immediately - not spending it on more wasteful government projects.
Stay tuned to Action 4 Liberty for more up-to-date information on your surplus money. If you haven't signed the Give it Back petition yet, please click on the link below.
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