A group of legislators in the Minnesota House introduced a bill that would mandate the wearing of masks, or face coverings, in public public places. HF604 was introduced on Monday by Rep Sydney Jordan of Minneapolis and has 12 co-authors.Β
The bill would require all Minnesotans over the age five to wear a face covering when they are:
1. indoors at a business or public setting
2. waiting outdoors to enter and indoor business or indoor public setting;
3. riding on public transportation, in a school transportation vehicle, in a ride-sharing vehicle, or in a vehicle being used for a business purpose;
4. outdoors when it is not possible to maintain social distancing from others who are not members of the individual's household, or
5. in a common area of a multi-unit dwelling
If the bill becomes law, businesses would be required to follow the guidelines and ensure workers adhere to the mandate. If they violate it, they could be sued by the government and fined up to $25,000. Business owners also could serve up 90 days in jail. Individual violators over the age 14 would be guilty of a petty misdemeanor and fined $100.
HF604 mirrors Governor Tim Walz' horrendous executive order that mandates mask wearing. The bill currently has no companion bill in the Minnesota Senate.Β
Action 4 Liberty stands solidly against Governor Walz' illegal and unconstitutional orders and HF604 which seeks to make Walz' orders permanent. This anti-liberty legislation needs to be killed and Governor Walz' Emergency Powers MUST be terminated.
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FacebookThe state of Minnesota must be trying its best to move people FROM Minnesota to neighboring states. What fools are running this state?
Madness. Stop the governorβs emergency power. Refuse to deal until the ridiculous abuse is over. Make a stand.