Minneapolis and St. Paul Public Schools Running Out of Money

Over the past two weeks, taxpayers have learned that Minneapolis  Public Schools (MPS) and St. Paul Public Schools (SPPS) both face projected budget shortfalls over $100 million – despite being “fully-funded” by the Minnesota legislature in 2023.

For as long as anyone can remember, the Minnesota Teacher’s Union (Education Minnesota) has demanded more and more funding for schools. They demand that politicians “fully-fund” Minnesota schools using surplus tax dollars. In  2023, they got their wish. The Democrat-controlled state government gave Minnesota schools an eye-popping $554.9 million in extra funding.

This proposal passed in spring of 2023. In spring of 2024, Minneapolis and St. Paul public schools are still failing. Meanwhile, public school teachers regularly threaten strikes to get increased pay and benefits. (According to Salary.com, the average public school teacher salary in Minneapolis is $61,721.)

It’s not a money problem!

Minnesota’s own department of education reports that student enrollment is rapidly dropping in MPS and SPPS schools. That’s not a money problem, it’s a cultural problem. Parents do not want to send their children to schools that do not do their job. The teacher’s union seem more concerned about celebrating gay and trans pride than they are teaching basic math.

A depressing 49.9% of Minnesota students meet grade-level standards in math. That is unacceptable for institutions that receive hundreds of millions of dollars from both state and local taxpayers.

Until school boards understand their role, they will continue to bleed students who instead learn from home or in private/charter schools. No amount of money will fix that. 


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  • Greg Pettersen
    followed this page 2024-04-01 09:57:53 -0500
  • William Beck
    published this page in News 2024-03-25 22:01:14 -0500