Minnesota Democrats Move Extreme Sanctuary State Bill

Minnesota Democrats are pushing extreme legislation that would make the state a haven for criminal aliens, child labor exploitation, sex trafficking, and murderers. The North Star Act (SF 3516/HF 3459), sponsored by ignorant State Senators Omar Fateh & Susan Pha, would restrict state & local law enforcement and judicial authorities from cooperating with federal immigration agencies.

While many of us agree that there are many illegal aliens that are just GOOD people fleeing a bad situation, unfortunately, there are a lot of BAD people as well. We all have heard the numerous stories from across the nation, and in our own communities as well, of illegal aliens committing crimes ranging from simple theft & identity fraud, to assault, sexual assault, child rape, and even murder.

Just last week illegal migrants were caught on video beating up a New York Police Officer in broad daylight!

Migrants, including minors, are regularly trafficked through Minnesota. This “North Star Act” would create conditions to further exploit illegal alien labor, including child labor, while simultaneously driving down wages across the state as citizens will now have to compete with more potential employees. 

Then there is also the issue of voter fraud. Last year, Democrats pushed through their “driver’s licenses for all” initiative, which gives illegal aliens a driver’s license with no questions asked. This same thing happened in California which has led to an overwhelming number of illegal aliens and other legal immigrants being placed on voter rolls. There are also groups actively trying to get aliens, both legal and illegal, to vote. A legal alien friend of mine received a letter in the mail the other day from a group trying to get him to register to vote.

The legislation is so extreme that even some Democrats have come out against it. State Senator Grant Hauschild told voters on X (Twitter) he would vote against the bill. "The Sanctuary State proposal is just that, a proposal. While every legislator has a right to introduce legislation, you need 34 votes in the Senate to pass anything. I will not be supporting this legislation and it is very unlikely to become law." In the House, Democrat Representative Dave Lislegard also announced his opposition to the bill.

You can read the full bill text of SF 3516/HF 3459 here.

In fact, the McLeod County Board just passed a resolution condemning the North Star Act proposal. The resolution states "McLeod County citizens should not be negatively impacted from the results caused by illegal immigration and the North Star Act on the budgeting of taxpayer dollars and public resources." Hopefully, more counties follow suit! 

Illegal aliens have broken our laws just by the simple act of being here. Why should they be rewarded while the rest of us struggle to get by?

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  • Tucker Hittesdorf
    published this page in News 2024-02-14 08:18:27 -0600