Minnesota's long standing flag may not have been the most appealing to the eye, but it means something to a lot of Minnesotans who take pride in the land where they were born and raised. So when someone from one of the various tribes accused the flag of racial overturns (whatever that means), it's understandable why a lot of Minnesotans were upset that the Democrat controlled legislature set up a commission to remove the historic flag and replace it with a new one.
Plus, the Commission took $35,000 of taxpayer money to fund the change.
Our local media excitedly reported on the progress of the Commission's work from the day they first asked for public submissions. In total, over 2,000 submissions were sent to the Commission to choose from. Within the last week, they narrowed down the winning design to a young 24 year old man from Luverne, Andrew Prekkner.
Here he is with his winning submission:
The Commission then managed to anger a lot of people when they rearranged the chosen design and change colors to eerily resemble a flag of a province in Somalia. News of this spread like wildfires on social media. You may have seen the posts.
At 9 am this morning the Commission met to finalize the design and emerged late in the morning with a consensus winner. They ended up reorienting the north star, kept the dark blue K shape on the left, and abandoned the controversial mixed color stripes and went with solid light blue. They definitely avoided the shit storm that would've came down on them if they'd kept the previous concept.
Here's your new flag Minnesota:
I'm going to be honest with you - I don't fully hate this flag. Maybe it's the fact my favorite color is blue, so this one speaks to me more than the next guy. And the flag makes you shiver just looking at it which accurately captures our freezing climate.
But many people are still upset that the old flag was ditched in the first place. They have a good point since it seems the Left in this country is hellbent on erasing our history at every turn. There was absolutely nothing racist about the old flag. People make up stupid stuff all the time.
In the end of the day, politicians should have focused on more important things like advancing our liberties, giving back the budget surplus to taxpayers and removing fraudulent government programs. People are right to be upset with this project.
Here are some of the top comments from our social media in response to the new flag being revealed:
We discussed the new flag on today's Truth Hurts show. Watch below:
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