MN Government Recommends “Perpetual Reparations” for Native Americans

The State of Minnesota is continuing its mission to guilt white people by releasing a new report on the Native American Community. This time, they take aim at the University of Minnesota. Claims of genocide and erasure abound. 

In an effort to improve relations with Minnesota’s 11 Native American Tribes,  the TRUTH (Towards Recognition and University-Tribal Healing) project has stated:

  •  The University of Minnesota’s founders: “committed genocide and ethnic cleansing of Indigenous peoples for financial gain, using the institution as a shell corporation through which to launder lands and resources.”
  • The University has contributed to the erasure of Native Americans by failing to teach a “full history.”
  • “Perpetual Reparations” are required (almost certainly paid for by the taxpayer).


This report totals over 500 pages and can be read here. 

The TRUTH project sits under the Minnesota Indian Affairs Council, which includes representatives from Indian tribes, state legislators, and commissioners from state agencies. Yes, its efforts are funded by your taxpayer dollars.

To force taxpayers to pay for events that occurred hundreds of years ago is nonsense. Hopefully, members of the legislature will recognize this.

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  • Tucker Hittesdorf
    commented 2023-04-13 11:32:53 -0500
    Right!!!! Who will pay who who? Ojibwe, Chippewa, Ho-Chunk, Cheyenne, Oto, Iowa, Sauk, Fox, Winnebago, and Dakota were all fighting each other for the territory.
  • Russell Jackson
    commented 2023-04-13 09:50:58 -0500
    When does this nonsense end? This will break the state. Why not cut to the chase and just give the tribes the entire state back? Maybe the Ojibwe tribe should pay reparation to the Sioux when they pushed them out of MN into ND. Monkeys will fly out of my butt before that would ever be considered.
  • William Beck
    published this page in News 2023-04-12 13:05:11 -0500