MNGOP Raises Fees for State Convention and State Central; Pricing Grassroots Conservatives OUT

Grassroots conservatives across our state are having their wallets stretched thin with Biden’s inflation and the rising cost of living. Minnesota has become more and more unaffordable as politicians continue to grow the budget and waste the overtaxed surplus dollars. 

Now, when Minnesota citizens could use a break from ridiculous fees, the MNGOP has implemented high costs to attend their State Convention and State Central Convention. The (1)State Convention cost is $150 or $175 at the door! The (2)State Central Meeting taking place the day before costs $75 or $100 at the door! This applies to both delegates and alternates in each case. See below:




This is up from the $65-$85 State Central fees in December 2023 and the 2022 State Convention which cost $110. This is price gouging at its finest! Consider that many delegates and alternates will be required to get a hotel during this time too!

The MNGOP also incentivizes credit cards over cash and checks as seen above. They will not accept cash and checks until the day of registration so people will be forced to pay the higher rate EVEN if they want to pay ahead of time! What does the MNGOP have against tangible monetary exchanges? 

This is an attempt to price out common people from their civic duty and Right to vote. Establishment, social-club RINOs are the only people that MNGOP Chair David Hann is interested in having attend their meetings. Perhaps this is an attempt to get the MNGOP out of deep debt and financial ruin. Or this is an attempt to force out new delegates from voting in the US Senate or RNC Committeeman races? Both of which are currently contended.

MN Democrats prohibit fees for National Convention delegates but the MNGOP charges $1000. MN Democrats are charging $150 for delegates and $75 for alternates to their State Convention (Coronation) for Biden and Klobuchar.

The MNGOP State Executive Committee should take immediate action to lower the fees so common people can afford to participate and exercise their Right to vote. 

The 24th Amendment to the US Constitution states: “The right of citizens of the United States to vote in any primary or other election for President or Vice President, for electors for President or Vice President, or for Senator or Representative in Congress, shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or any State by reason of failure to pay poll tax or other tax. The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.The MNGOP is imposing a poll tax on conservatives and that un-American practice should be ended.

Grassroots conservatives know not to give the MNGOP their hard earned dollars and instead to support candidates and organizations who represent their values. This price gouging is simply the latest evidence that the only use for conservatives in the party is their money.

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  • Paul Bade
    commented 2024-04-14 14:28:06 -0500
    Somebody in the state party apparatus must be thinking the state will pay for half of the delegates’ admission fees through the PCR (Political Contribution Refund) program. Whoever suggested that forgot that most of the delegates already used a good share of their $75 allowance to attend county/BPOU conventions. It seems likely so many delegates will be discouraged by the high fee that the party will not get enough attendance to cover the cost of the convention facilities. A few of the county organizations may have enough money to subsidize their delegates, but that would reduce their ability to pitch in for legislative races. We should be very concerned by the probable poor attendance, because that gives bad candidates a better chance of getting the endorsement. One of the candidates for U. S Senate is an obvious RINO and may be to the left of Susan Collins, just the sort of Democrat-lite our “establishment” people like to offer up as a sacrificial pig and guarantee yet another statewide loss. Another is an eccentric who is also running for Senate in Massachusetts on an “I hate lawyers” theme; he isn’t likely to win either.

    The grassroots Republicans for the most part are decent conservatives, but somehow we have a bunch of “professional” bosses instead of servants running the state party, and they keep trying to go in a different direction than the party. There is immense frustration at the local party level – it’s very difficult to get support from the state party such as voter/supporter data, and the state party seems to spend most of its money on legal fees (often fighting Republicans!) and office rental instead of supporting candidates and assisting local organizations.

    If the Minnesota state GOP organization does not make a deliberate, well-structured effort to regain the trust of local party units and Republican voters, and focus on challenging Democrat practices and ideology instead of undercutting constitutional conservative/libertarian-leaning Republicans, it will continue to have a great difficulty raising funds, and the Democrats will retain their dominance in statewide elections.
  • MAGA Jesse Smith
    published this page in News 2024-04-12 17:01:50 -0500