MNGOP Secretary Candidate Slams Failures of the Party

Failed MNGOP “leadership” from RINO Chair David Hann and others in the establishment’s apparatus has turned a competitive swing state into a reliable hold for Democrats. Election after election passes and while Republicans gain little to no ground in Minnesota, the same unprincipled individuals continue to steer the MNGOP towards defeat. While Minnesota did see an uptick in Trump’s vote totals and percentage compared to years past, this was entirely due to the grassroots energy surrounding the MAGA movement and not the failed tactics of the MNGOP.

Despite President Trump visiting Minnesota twice, including a St. Cloud rally and a speech at the MNGOP Lincoln Reagan dinner where Trump bailed the party out of debt, Minnesota did not follow the trends of the rest of the country (much like 2022). Aside from other party figures, leading the Trump campaign in MN was Globalist RINO Tom Emmer. Emmer weaponized the Trump campaign in CD2 to seemingly buy off Tayler Rahm so that RINO Joe Teirab could have no conservative opposition. The MN Trump campaign seemed far more concerned with giving establishment puppets money and jobs instead of WINNING!

It appears that this conservative critique of the MNGOP is shared by a MNGOP Secretary candidate named Ed Gross as he recently sent an email to State Central delegates titled: “If Everything went so well Nationally, why did Minnesota do so Poorly?” This email can be read in full at the bottom of the article.

Ed Gross is the Chairman for the Minnesota Organization of Republican Veterans (MORVets) which is a grassroots group centered around increasing political activism among veterans and advocating for conservative policies. Gross will be up against two opponent for Secretary including CD5 Chair Alec Beck and establishment-backed Joy Orvis.

Gross highlights many issues with the MNGOP including the poor relationship that currently exists between the state party officers and the grassroots within BPOUs. He stresses the importance of locals who are engaged in key areas to be involved and a part of the team. Gross states that BPOUs deserve full ownership and communication for party business and how the state party should act in a service-oriented manner.

Ed Gross additionally takes the party to task for riding the national coattails with them calling the 4.5% vote margin between Kamala and Trump in MN a success, which Gross thinks is nothing to brag about. Instead of focusing on national politics to drive results, Gross believes the focus should be centered on endorsed Republican candidates in local races to engage better with the residents of a given area.

The MNGOP State Central Committee will be held on Saturday, December 14th at the Minneapolis Marriott Southwest (5801 Opus Pkwy. Minnetonka, MN 55343). Delegates and Alternates can find more information here. This meeting will hold elections for the following party officer positions: Chair, Deputy Chair, and Secretary. Check out our previous reporting to learn more about the Deputy Chair race. 

Failed, divisive, and big government leadership by the MNGOP has kept the grassroots out of the picture. If Republicans ever want to win in Minnesota the establishment will have to hand over the keys to the grassroots and allow the party to be led by principled Patriots rather than weak-kneed establishment RINOs.

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  • Action 4 Liberty
    published this page in News 2024-12-03 18:37:35 -0600