President Donald J. Trump’s visit to Minnesota gathered national attention as he delivered a speech of unity and winning. For the first time since 1972, Minnesota could deliver our 10 Electoral Votes for the Republican ticket. This moment in history cannot be squandered because Trump has given the ultimate hand-up to the MNGOP, holding a dinner event which eliminated the party’s debt.
While President Trump is fighting witchunts and kangaroo courts across the country for phony charges and could be doing a million other things, he took the time to come and speak to Minnesotans. He did this despite Chair David Hann’s continued attacks on President Trump’s character (calling Trump vulgar, rude, boorish, abusive, and obnoxious in 2022) and Majority Whip Tom Emmer fighting the MAGA agenda in Congress, President Trump was willing to forego their negativity in order to make Minnesota competitive. Even though Emmer is a Globalist RINO (who should never be Speaker), he is an influential person who can bring donors from DC and MN to Trump.
President Trump did his best, with whatever information was given to him, to present a united front within the MNGOP. Many patriots questioned if Trump was getting played or if he was playing the party leadership. The most likely is a combination of both, where both sides feel as though they are getting something in return. Trump believes a debt free party will allow them to do the groundwork to deliver a GOP victory. Hann and company are happy because they are now debt free and can pretend to be MAGA alongside Trump.
The issue is that it is all a ruse and David Hann has no intentions of working with the anti-establishment, pro-freedom, MAGA grassroots that he desperately needs to be involved so Trump can win. Action 4 Liberty has been informed that an ENDORSED Republican candidate was told by the state party that they will receive no support unless they condemn and repudiate A4L! This is despite party leaders having an obligation to support the endorsed candidates because the delegates have spoken.This type of divisiveness is the very reason the MNGOP loses election after election. David Hann does not want to win elections, he wants to control the Republican Party so real conservatives don’t take it over!
If David Hann and the MNGOP want Republicans to unify for this election, they must immediately suspend all calls and action attacking Action 4 Liberty. We are the largest grassroots oriented liberty organization in the state of Minnesota and our supporters should not be attacked simply because they are fed up with crooked politicians! The ONLY way Hann can repay Trump for the debt removal is to deliver a WIN for MAGA, not attack his supporters! If party leaders really want to unify for 2024, they must learn to bring outsiders and hardcore conservatives into the fold! That is the only way Trump can win Minnesota.
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