MNGOP to Use Dominion-Like Electronic Voting at State Convention

Out of touch party leaders refused to listen to the conservative base of the GOP clamoring for paper ballots and Election Integrity. Candidates for Governor and Secretary of State pushed for paper ballots and it seemed the majority of the delegates were in support of their calls. Paper ballots have long been a staple of free and fair elections while electronic machines have rigged and destroyed elections.

MNGOP chairman David Hann sent an email out to the GOP State Convention delegates and alternates today at 9:35 AM attempting to discredit the calls for paper ballots by conservatives. Hann is at great odds with the conservative base who abhor electronic voting machines. There are legitimate concerns about election rigging after the Morrison County Fraud and the recent history of the 2020 State Convention voting software crashing. The party accused activists of hacking their system when in reality, the defective software was at fault. Additionally, there was ZERO mention to Trump’s stolen election and the rightful skepticism conservatives have against electronic machines made in the likeness of Dominion.

Hann states that some campaigns are advocating for paper ballots to slow down the process to prevent endorsements from being made. This is an extremely odd allegation because the calls are being made from the conservative base; a hung convention is to the benefit of insider candidates like Kendall Qualls and Paul Gazelka. Voting clickers will be given to delegates and there will be no way of ensuring an individual vote was casted and counted correctly. There will be no audit or transparency! What is the MNGOP trying to pull?

Action 4 Liberty opposes Dominion-type electronic machines in our elections! Secure elections are more likely with paper ballots! Do not let the Establishment pull the wool over your eyes. Action 4 Liberty calls on David Hann and the MNGOP to reverse their decision and conduct endorsements with paper ballots or an electronic system with an auditable trail.


Todd Padgett, President of the company that will be running the electronic machines at the State Convention, has been found to be a donor to the DNC. Why should delegates have a single ounce of trust in this voting system?

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  • Keith Spennewyn
    commented 2022-05-16 12:11:18 -0500
    Have we learned nothing?
  • MAGA Jesse Smith
    published this page in News 2022-05-04 15:48:03 -0500