Nation’s Most Extreme Gun Ban Could Come To Minnesota

Massachusetts Democrats are ramming through what could be the nation’s most extreme gun control law. Introduced this week, HD 4420 places bans and restrictions on an incredible amount of firearms. With a trifecta in St. Paul, Minnesota Democrats are sure to copy this legislation come next session.

Here are the specifics:

  • BANS nearly every semi-automatic firearm for civilians.
  • MANDATES “safe storage” lockers.
  • MANDATES universal gun registration.
  • REQUIRES privately made firearms to be registered within 7 days of being built.
  • BANS anyone under 15 from participating in shooting sports

And so much more.

This is probably the most extreme anti-gun legislation in the country. If passed, you already know that Democrat Governor Tim Walz will rally his troops here in Minnesota to do the same. Luckily for gun owners, the legislature does not meet again until 2024. 

Democrats already passed Red Flag Gun Seizure legislation and Universal Background Checks this year. There are so many more infringements on their bucket list.

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  • William Beck
    published this page in News 2023-07-07 14:41:29 -0500