Ilhan Omar took to Twitter on Monday night to demand a “national climate emergency” based on her claim that “The earth just broke the record for the hottest day in 120,000 years.” Thankfully, the Twitter Community Notes debunked this claim almost immediately.
Community Notes are Twitter users’ way of fact-checking ridiculous claims by big accounts – as long as they cite their sources. The climate hysterics have been enraged by this feature on Twitter, mostly because they get fact-checked every single time.
The earth just broke the record for the hottest day in 120,000 years. In fact, we broke in on three separate days.
— Ilhan Omar (@IlhanMN) July 17, 2023
National climate emergency now.
In response to her Tweet, the community notes state that “The source for this claim appears to be the University of Maine Climate Reanalyzer which has added a recent notice making it clear that it should not be taken as official observation records.” In other words, her source is not an official observation. In fact, we are not even able to track climate from 120,000 years ago!
The fearmongering surrounding climate change only exists to control the population. In Denmark, farmers revolted after new regulations forced them to cut their greenhouse emissions by half. From their perspective, ridiculous regulations on farming were put into place to control the food supply – thus, controlling the people.
You better believe that Democrats want crazy Orwellian rules and regulations under a Green New Deal. If people buy their ridiculous claims, maybe they will get it.
Maybe Ilhan Omar can ask Joe Biden what the weather was like in Washington DC 120,000 years ago.
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