Patriot Drew Roach Dominates; Wins District 58B Endorsement

On an early afternoon Saturday, April 13th, House District 58B delegates met in Farmington to endorse a candidate for the State House of Representatives. Incumbent Rep. Pat Garafalo previously announced that he would not seek re-election in 2024. 

Patriot Drew Roach faced off against candidate Sean McKnight as around 85 delegates considered their arguments. Following the CD/State delegate elections and State House candidate speeches, Drew Roach received a dominant 77% of the vote on the first ballot! 

Drew’s mother Deb gave the introduction speech for her son and showed that room that a love for liberty runs in the family! Drew discussed with delegates who he is, the importance of the endorsement process, his small business, his plans to maintain our Constitutional Republic, and the fight he will take to St. Paul! Drew is also a father and understands the battles ahead for younger generations.

Drew was endorsed by Senators Steve Drazkowski and Nathan Wesenberg as well as former Representative Jeremy Munson. Following the convention, Senator Bill Lieske and Rep. Pat Garafolo have officially endorsed Drew’s campaign.

District 58B is a very conservative district that heavily leans red. This means that the Republican nominee will have a high likelihood of winning the district. Because of this, Roach stressed the fact that he will help conservatives in other districts to give Republicans a long-awaited majority in the State House. Roach’s strategic thinking was well received by delegates.

Drew Roach has been attacked by the mainstream, establishment media in our state, making it clear that they see him as a threat to the status quo! They understand that Roach shouldn’t be under-estimated and is a fighter who will never back down. Drew has shown that he will not tolerate corruption and that is a very rare quality in candidates. 

Congratulations to Drew and his family on his massive win! With the endorsement and consolidating GOP support, Drew is well on his way to the State House to be a Champion for freedom! Patriots can keep up with Drew’s campaign on Facebook and X.

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  • MAGA Jesse Smith
    published this page in News 2024-04-14 16:48:57 -0500