New Mexico’s radical leftist Governor, Michelle Lujan Grisham, is unconstitutionally banning firearms from public spaces for 30 days, but Patriots are fighting back.
Democrat and RINO Governors have previously used “Public Health Emergency” Executive Orders to strip freedom from the people in the name of COVID. These actions were done to bypass our Constitutionally protected rights. Not only was it illegal and unconstitutional to issue these orders over a disease like the China Virus, but New Mexico’s radical leftist Governor has grasped for whole new levels of tyranny.
On September 7th, New Mexico Governor Grisham issued an Executive Order declaring that gun violence is a public health emergency. Gun-grabbing Grisham stated that gun violence in the state has caused emotional trauma, economic burdens, and over-burdening the healthcare system. The New Mexico Public Health Emergency Response Act defines public health emergency as the following: the occurrence or imminent threat of exposure to an extremely dangerous condition or a highly infectious or toxic agent, including a threatening communicable disease, that poses an imminent threat of substantial harm to the population of New Mexico or any portion thereof.
This tactless move has received pushback from Patriots in New Mexico who held a protest in Albuquerque with over 100 people who carried their firearms publicly and acted in defiance to this tyranny. As of the writing of this article, no individuals were charged. Additionally, John Allen, the Democratic Sheriff of Bernalillo County (containing Albuquerque) said that he will not enforce this Executive Order and stated “This order will not do anything to curb gun violence other than punish law-abiding citizens from their constitutional right to self defense.” Even radical leftists like David Hogg and Rep. Ted Lieu stated that this Executive Order is unconstitutional!
Patriots protesting is our last line of defense from this tyrannical, Communist agenda. If ‘We The People’ do not stand up and fight, our Rights will be trampled and our country will become unrecognizable from our Constitution. Hold steadfast and be prepared to fight for freedom, it’s only a matter of time before they try this in Minnesota.
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