Phillips Challenges Biden Due to Poll Numbers, Says He's Done a 'Spectacular Job'

According to an interview preview released by CBS News, Rep Dean Phillips challenge of Joe Biden for President is based off of poll numbers and not Biden's performance. One would think a person running on the motto "Make America Affordable Again" would understand that the Biden policies have created large scale inflation that's hurting the American families. 

When asked by Robert Costa if he's running for President, Phillips says "I am. I have to. I think President Biden has done a spectacular job for our country, but it's not about the past, this is an election about the future. I will not sit still, I will not be quiet in the face of numbers that are so clearly insane that we'll be facing an emergency next November."

Phillips is obviously referencing the dropping polls numbers for Joe Biden. According to Real Clear Politics, Trump is beating Biden by 0.7% despite his 4 indictments and civil case proceedings. 


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  • Paul Bade
    commented 2023-10-28 15:07:17 -0500
    Mr. Philipps said, “I think President Biden has done a spectacular job for our country,” So, that means in ideology, policy and practice, Mr. Philipps would be Joe Biden without as many senior moments. No thanks. We’ve had enough of bumbling national socialists in the White House.
  • Jake Duesenberg
    published this page in News 2023-10-27 08:26:01 -0500