SPOTTED: Dean Phillips Presidential Bus On The Road

Minnesota Congressman Dean Phillips (Minn-3) appears poised to launch his bid to challenge Democrat President Joe Biden on October 27th. This effort has earned him backlash both across the country and in his congressional district in the Twin Cities suburbs. Up until now, Americans have only had rumors of his long-shot bid for the Democratic nomination. Now, his campaign bus has been spotted in the wild.

Jason DeRusha, known leftist at WCCO Radio, shared a video on X of Phillips' campaign bus spotted in Ohio. 


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  • Russell Jackson
    commented 2023-10-25 09:27:53 -0500
    I hope his bus is powered by batteries and he is not using that dirty diesel fuel and polluting the Mn air the DFLer’s are always whining about. Maybe he should pedal a bike. And just lead by example. Just another socialist that got rich by using capitalism to get wealthy. What a hypocrite.
  • William Beck
    published this page in News 2023-10-24 11:26:28 -0500