Radical Walz Edu. Appointee Supports Overthrowing U.S. over Racism

Tyrant Tim Walz is looking to rewrite history and indoctrinate your children. As Minnesotans, we have long been aware of how radical Tim Walz is but this has been highlighted on a national stage since selected by Kamala as her running mate.

Concern has been raised surrounding a Tim Walz Dept. of Education appointment of an individual who is a radical, critical race theorist who is openly anti-American and believes our government should be overthrown. The appointed individual is Brian Lozenski and was chosen by Walz to help write the statement education framework for “ethnic studies” in public schools. See the 5/13/24 document from the MN Dept. of Edu. listing the members of the Ethnic Studies Working Group:

Lozenski is a professor of “urban and multicultural education” at Macalester College. As seen in the above document, he apparently has history teaching children in grades K-8 about ‘ethnic studies’ in St. Paul public schools. Interestingly, Lozenski has testified before the State House Education Committee in support of the ‘Ethnic Studies for All” bill on 2/28/23 which can be seen here. Lozenski made it perfectly clear that he wanted to see the rewriting of history and require students be forced to endure divisive, racial propaganda in order to graduate! More on the meeting can be found here. Due to the 2/28/23 committee appearance, it appears Walz was PREPARED to select this guy A YEAR & THREE MONTHS before he was appointed!

See the ethnic studies course guidance below provided by the MN Dept. of Edu.’s ethnic studies page on their website:

The Senate version of this radical education bill, SF1476, was ultimately added into an unconstitutional, multi-subject omnibus bill (in this case the Education Finance Bill, HF2497). This bill is also known as the “Tampons in Boy’s Bathrooms” bill. This was passed in the Senate with a party line vote (except RINO Carla Nelson who voted with the Dems) and passed in the House with no Republicans voting for it and one phony moderate Democrat joining the GOP in opposition. This was signed into law by Walz on 5/24/23. 

Lozenzki admitted even more radical viewpoints in a since deleted video posted on YouTube by a group called “The Solidarity Group”. Prior to its deletion, Alpha News was able to capture Lozenski’s anti-American rhetoric which can be seen here. In that video from 5/27/22, Lozenski defines critical race theory and why he is a believer in it. He stated “The first tenant of critical race theory is that the United States as constructed is irreversibly racist” and further said about the U.S. government “then it must be done with, it must be overthrown.”

The MN Dept. of Edu. was supposed to have the ethnic-studies framework available for public comment from August 9th to August 22nd but there has been NOTHING published! Again on Sept. 24th, 2024 no framework was provided to the public (as covered by the American Experiment). The policies they choose will go INTO EFFECT on October 31 due to statutory requirements which means that Lozenski and Walz are hiding this until the very last minute! Parents deserve to know what their children are being taught and it should not be a hidden policy crafted by radicals like Lozenski! 

The Democrats’ racist indoctrination agenda belongs nowhere near public schools and immediate accountability needs to take place. The most likely scenario is Lozenski steps aside because it damages the Democrats and Walz will play dumb. It should be noted that EVEN IF Walz were to force Lozenski to resign, it is still going to be the policies that Lozenski helped write that go into effect! Walz is sneaking insane people into our government and We The People need to take it back! Lozenski is also a board member for the Education for Liberation Network which has a Minnesota “EdLib” chapter that supports mandating ethnic studies for students, removing resource officers from schools, and posted a poem on their events page supporting the abolition of cops and prisons. See below:

Walz has made several bird-brained decisions on appointments, not just in political terms, but in practical terms. The ‘Feeding Our Future’ scam was one of many undeniable failures during the Walz tenure that got ZERO accountability. As another example, his appointment for the Director of the office of Cannabis, Erin DuPree, who resigned one day after assuming the job following allegations that she sold illegal products in the state through her Apple Valley company. To date, that appointment is yet to be filled by a permanent selection. 

Walz is too busy dancing and playing a ‘dad’ character to actually govern and take care of Minnesota. He rules by dictate because he lacks the skills, Constitutional principles, and know-how to do things correctly. Walz’ corruption and lack of transparency is a perfect match for a cackling, out of touch phony like Kamala. If given more power, Walz will only get more corrupt. November’s election may determine the fate of our nation for good.

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  • MAGA Jesse Smith
    published this page in News 2024-09-28 12:53:19 -0500