Democrat Rep Wolgamott Charged With DWI

On Monday, Democrat representative Dan Wolgamott learned that he faces two misdemeanor DWI charges from the Kanabec County Attorney’s Office. According to the filing, the swing-district Democrat was cited with a 0.099 blood alcohol level.

The public first learned about his July 7th arrest from a viral video depicting him chugging a bottle of liquor before getting in his car and driving away.

Thankfully, he "wholeheartedly apologizes" for the incident. It has yet to be seen whether or not voters in the St. Cloud area will forgive him.

Wolgamott will appear in a Kanabec County court on September 6th.

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  • Russell Jackson
    commented 2023-08-11 10:29:10 -0500
    He will get off Scot free just like all good law-breaking Democrats.
  • William Beck
    published this page in News 2023-08-08 06:48:03 -0500