Senator Throws Out Teacher Who Supports Pornographic Child Material

On Wednesday, Senator Nathan Wesenberg briefly met with teachers from his district only to throw them out of his office minutes later. The teachers represented the local branch of Education Minnesota, the state's left-wing teacher's union.

Wesenberg openly opposes SF 1311, which includes gender propaganda and critical race theory. Here’s just a snippet of what this bill would require of schools and teachers:

When members of the teacher's union met with Wesenberg, he asked them about these proposals. More specifically, he asked them their opinion on the book It's Perfectly Normal, a kids book that includes images of sex (both homosexual and straight), masturbation, abortion, and more.

Many school districts have outright banned this book for its graphic imagery. When the teachers pushed back on Wesenberg’s criticisms, he invited them to leave. 

“I threw them out because we were talking about the perverted book.” he said. “That’s not appropriate; we can’t have that in our schools.”

The conflict escalated when Wesenberg’s guests refused to leave his office. When legislative aides stepped in and asked the teachers to leave, the main spokesman yelled at Wesenberg, saying:

“You Christians are the problem!”

The teacher who took out his anger on Christians is a teacher at a public school in Milaca, who almost certainly teaches Christian students. If you had any doubts about the indoctrination machine being paid for by taxpayers, you can put those doubts to rest.

In public schools, there is a visible and real effort to indoctrinate your children. Parents are better off sending their kids to private schools, or homeschooling them.

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  • Anonymous
    commented 2023-04-19 22:08:27 -0500
    This is not the first time this teacher has had issues with students at this school. This school is going downhill. There are kids in high school who are worried about what is going on at this school while male teachers gather around and whisper about court dates. Everything the students have been wearing they are getting dress coded for. They are not allowed to wear the preamble from the Constitution! I understand there may be more to the story where it happened but this school is getting out of hand. Someone needs to take action and fix it
  • Joy Spreader
    commented 2023-04-19 14:34:53 -0500
    This is not the truth. The teachers were there to ask for special education funding. The Senator brought up the book first and accused the teachers of sexual abuse. When the teachers tried to defend their many years of positive service in Milaca, the Senator threw them out and yelled so loudly that people heard him down the hall. He embarrassed himself and his office. This site is not to be trusted. Think for yourselves.
  • Tucker Hittesdorf
    commented 2023-04-18 10:35:27 -0500
  • William Beck
    published this page in News 2023-04-17 18:01:47 -0500