Socialist Dems Push Cash Stipends for Homeless with Your Surplus Money

The DFL and their socialist Legislators have been Hell-bent on destroying our state since the first day of the Legislative Session. They support abortions in all cases, transgender surgery for children, eliminating carbon by 2040, hurting businesses, changing definitions for the social justice warriors, and spending all of our overtaxed Surplus money.

In this case, the radical Democrats are pushing HF2008/SF1903 which appropriates $12 million of our Surplus dollars over the next four years for socialist stipends for homeless “youth”. This is a Communist pilot plan that gives away our money instead of getting these people jobs. Under their definitions, any homeless individual between the ages of 18 and 24 is considered to be a “youth”.

This bill is authored by the “first 2 Spirit, non-binary” Legislator, Alicia Kozlowski (Dem-HD8B) and that should tell you everything you need to know about her right there! The usual suspects of leftist Representatives are also on the bill and it is moving in the House. Additionally, the Senate version of this bill has swing district, Iron Range Senator Grant Hauschild (Dem-SD3) as an author which definitely will not sit well with his district! See the authors below:

This bill would give monthly and one time stipends to homeless individuals in Hennepin and St. Louis through the 501(c)(3) organization Youthprise. Youthprise is an intermediary that is run by the McKnight Foundation which grants money towards woke causes around climate change, black economic power, and equity. 

Both Youthprise and the McKnight Foundation also have plenty of grants that are seemingly for good causes, one of which being helping the homeless. And while there is certainly no issue with how they choose to spend their privately acquired money, taxpayer money should not be used. However, their liberal bias is evident in their “New Generation of Equity” Policy Agenda.

According to testimony in the House Human Services committee, this bill would give $1000 monthly and $4000 one time stipends. Also, this bill has zero language on how this money will be dispersed, no reporting or proof on how the funds are used, and allows for many loopholes for free-loaders to take advantage of this program.

Based upon the definition for “nighttime residences” provided in the bill, there is plenty of wiggle-room and areas for fraud to occur. Minnesota is no stranger to nonprofits ripping off taxpayers with fake grants (see the Feeding Our Future scam) so we have to be cautious on all fronts.

Other than hoping that Youthprise does not screw us over, there is nothing that can be done to track the money once it is appropriated to them! Rep. Kozlowski indicates that they will prioritize and favor grants for black/LGBT homeless youth over others! See below:

After a deep review of the bill, there is no language to suggest that they would discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender, or sexual orientation because that would be illegal for the state to do! Instead, Rep. Kozlowski must be under the impression that Youthprise (likely the individuals leading this project, Kristy Snyder and Quincy Powe) will be picking and choosing homeless people who fit their diversity criteria! This is the kind of woke discrimination that must be stopped!

No Surplus tax dollars should be spent and it should be totally refunded to the taxpayers. It is our overtaxed money that radical Democrats are wasting everyday. Contact your Legislators and tell them to oppose this bill! The radical left will dictate everything unless ‘We The People’ stand up and fight!

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  • Jake Duesenberg
    published this page in News 2023-03-13 14:09:59 -0500