St. Cloud Drag Show Asks Kids to Bring Money for Tips, Might Violate State Law

A St. Cloud LGBT group is promoting a “Drag Brunch” that openly welcomes kids 4-12 years old to participate. The June 11th event asks for cash tips for performers, who are “drag queens” and “drag kings.”

"St. Cloud Pride" is hosting the event, and has openly promoted it on their facebook account. Thankfully, this behavior is illegal according to Minnesota Law. State statutes 609.352 and 617.246 explicitly prohibit the solicitation of minors for sexual acts. Don’t take my word for it, take a look at the law for yourself:

  • 609.352: Subd. 2.Prohibited act. A person 18 years of age or older who solicits a child or someone the person reasonably believes is a child to engage in sexual conduct with intent to engage in sexual conduct is guilty of a felony and may be sentenced as provided in subdivision
  • 617.246: Subd. 2.Use of minor. (a) It is unlawful for a person to promote, employ, use or permit a minor to engage in or assist others to engage minors in posing or modeling alone or with others in any sexual performance or pornographic work if the person knows or has reason to know that the conduct intended is a sexual performance or a pornographic work.
  • Any person who violates this paragraph is guilty of a felony and may be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than ten years or to payment of a fine of not more than $20,000, or both.


Here's what's important: Statute 617.246 defines "sexual performance" as "any play, dance or other exhibition presented before an audience or for purposes of visual or mechanical reproduction that uses a minor to depict actual or simulated sexual conduct as defined by clause."

What do drag queens do? They twerk and hump the air - a clear reference to sex. When minors are invited to these events, drag queens are at fault. 

When you look at the Eventbrite page, it is clear that “St. Cloud Pride” is encouraging sexual actions and tips for sexual performances. The event posting even tells children to ask performers before they touch, grab, or hug them. Like strippers, drag queens ask for tips in their waistbands or in their "cleavage."

For more information about why the Best Western would allow this at their location, contact the St Cloud Best Western Kelly Inn at 320-253-0606.

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  • Kathleen Yurcich
    commented 2023-06-09 16:40:43 -0500
    This “activity” is a CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER TO CHILDREN!!!!
  • Kathleen Yurcich
    commented 2023-06-09 16:37:53 -0500
    THESE ARE FILTHY DIRTY LOW LIFE CHILD TRAFFICKERS! If police do NOT shut this shit down, they are part of this corruption.
    These foreign controlled low life are coming for the children. 800,000 children go missing every year in USA! Human sex trafficking and organ harvesting is almost a $$$$Trillion black mkt! THIS HAS GOT TO STOP NOW! ITS VILE AND EGREGIOUSLY OFFENSIVE to the moral fabric of our society! STOP THIS NOW!
  • Deborah Norton
    commented 2023-06-08 23:02:25 -0500
    Contact the Stearns County Sheriff’s Office and DEMAND that they shut down this hyper-sexualized event for children. The administration office’s number is 320-259-3702. We have to protect the children.
  • Pam Broekemeier
    commented 2023-06-08 17:44:40 -0500
    Boycott the Kelly Inn for trying to host such an evil event!
  • Jo Bur
    commented 2023-06-08 15:41:10 -0500
    This is disgusting. Look for the wording in that law to be changed now. Call that sheriff everyone, please.
  • William Beck
    published this page in News 2023-06-08 12:36:59 -0500