St Paul Passes "Abortion Providers Appreciation Day" Resolution

The St Paul City Council passed a resolution 7-0 yesterday recognizing March 10th as Abortion Providers Appreciation Day, according to the Pioneer Press. Four members of the City Council sponsored the resolution: Rebecca Noecker, Nelsie Yang, Dai Thao and Jane Prince.


Resolution 20-416 recognizes "March 10, 2020 as Abortion Providers Appreciation Day". Here's the text:

Here's video of the vote:

The largest abortion provider in Minnesota is Planned Parenthood which gets taxpayer funding through the passage of the Health & Human Services Omnibus bill at the state legislature. For more information about how your tax dollars funds Planned Parenthood and who is voting for it, click here.  

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  • Janice Pittenger
    commented 2020-03-08 16:54:17 -0500
    Have the liberals completely lost their minds? They really know how to waste time and share their stupidity.
  • B. Polus
    commented 2020-03-08 16:53:56 -0500
    FYI: – WISDOM OF SOLOMON 6:1-11 – “The Responsibility of Rulers”
  • Jean Horn
    commented 2020-03-06 17:25:12 -0600
    Celebrating the desecration of Human life, WTH is WRONG with this society today? As a woman who wishes I had kids this is a HUGE slap in the face to me. Disgusting!! Hateful!! Nasty!!! Absolutely abominable!! 😢😢 Have you ever seen what evil things are done to a poor living being during a later abortion It is enough to make you want to throw up! They are taken apart in pieces, it’s absolutely AWFUL! And they try to say they can’t feel pain I call BS!
  • Glenda Macdonald
    commented 2020-03-06 10:05:17 -0600
    It’s sick, depraved & pure evil to honor the killers of babies! The Right to
    Life is the most important & fundamental right, since life is necessary for any other rights to matter!
  • Claudia Lacy
    commented 2020-03-05 21:59:24 -0600
    No values. No ethics. Deceivers! There should be no safer place for a baby than it’s mother’s womb. You people are devoid of common decency.
  • Teresa Dillon
    commented 2020-03-05 17:17:29 -0600
    how can u celebrate the murder of innocent babies , shame on u. what did these poor innocent unborn babies do to deserve been murdered, its a sad day for St Paul ..
  • Angela McConville
    commented 2020-03-05 15:38:43 -0600
    Disgusting, woman who have had abortions are more likely to commit suicide! How is that something to celebrate???
  • Jesse King
    commented 2020-03-05 11:46:27 -0600
    You pieces of shit. Your really going to celebrate killing defenceless, unborn babies. Maybe someone should have aborted each and every one of you.