Twin Cities Pride Website Accidentally Blocked By MN Gov for ‘Adult Entertainment’

The StarTribune reported in their Morning Hot Dish newsletter on Wednesday that the website of LGBTQ organization "Twin Cities Pride" was blocked by Minnesota IT services for being flagged as “adult entertainment.”

Supposedly, this was first discovered on April 26th. It is possible that StarTribune held onto this story until after Saturday’s Pride Parade to avoid bringing negative press to the event. As everyone knows, the left goes insane the moment you accuse the LGBTQ movement of “grooming” kids. Of course, many of the activities that go on in these pride parades would qualify as “adult entertainment.”

The filter that Minnesota IT services had in place is not wrong at all. These pride events most certainly qualify as “adult entertainment.” Look no further than the man at the Pride parade twerking in front of kids in nothing but a pair of tidy whities.

If LGBTQ groups want to be taken seriously by the public, they can start by ridding ridiculous sexual fetishes like this from their public events.

The StarTribune also reported that the website was immediately unblocked when the supposed issue was reported. The question is, what are government employees doing on Pride websites with their work computers?

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  • Charla Rachko
    followed this page 2023-07-01 18:56:27 -0500
  • William Beck
    published this page in News 2023-06-28 13:56:45 -0500