Woke Church in Edina Puts Politics Before God; Recites 'Sparkle Creed'

What place does Black Lives Matter, Transgender Day of Visibility, and Line-3 Protests have in a Christian Church? If you said “no place,” you would most certainly not be welcome in the "All Are Welcome" Edina Community Lutheran Church. This is the church that has gone viral on social media for reciting the “Sparkle Creed,” which claims God as a “non-binary” being.

Here is the "church's" "Sparkle Creed," which seemingly mocks God and his creation:

I believe in the non-binary God whose pronouns are plural.

I believe in Jesus Christ, their child, who wore a fabulous tunic and had two dads, and who saw everyone as a sibling child of God.

I believe in the rainbow Spirit, who shatters our image of one white light and refracts it into a rainbow of gorgeous diversity.

I believe in the church of everyday saints, as numerous, creative, and resilient as patches on the AIDS quilt, whose feet are grounded in mud and whose eyes gaze at the stars in Wonder.

I believe in the calling to each of us, that love is love is love, so beloved, let us love.

I believe, glorious God. Help my unbelief.

Here's a video of the "pastor" leading the creed:

An Action 4 Liberty supporter told us that this is the Church where United States Senator Amy Klobuchar attends. No surprise there.

In 2020, the Church's Facebook page  shows congregants donning masks and holding black lives matter signs. In fact, most of the posts are related to left-wing activism, instead of Christian teaching.

For example, below is a post from the capitol asking the legislature to pass “Drivers Licenses For All,” which was passed by the fringes of the DFL party this last legislative session.

Their website (eclc.org) boasts of anti-racism vigils every third Sunday of the month. In their own words, they describe themselves as “open, progressive, energetic and inclusive congregation with a historical emphasis on social justice.  We are currently on a long-term journey to become an anti-racist congregation.” It should be noted that pictures and videos from this church show an overwhelmingly white congregation. 

The Church also dedicates large portions of their website to sections on ecofaith, immigration, indigenous rights, lgbtqia+, racial justice, reproductive justice, and many more unfortunate platitudes. 

The Bible is very clear about pride and lust. The Apostle Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, "Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God." (ESV)

Instead, this church ignores all of that and injects its worldly views into the building that is supposed to be dedicated to God. Instead, they appear to have dedicated their very existence to a god of idolatry and self-pleasure.

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  • Carmelle Eickhoff
    commented 2023-06-29 17:39:01 -0500
    Any Klobuchar’s connection to this church is through her late father Jim Klobuchar who belonged there for many years and was a political reporter for the StarTribune.
  • Nancy McReady
    commented 2023-06-29 14:45:22 -0500
    I looked up info on Klobuchar. I do not believe she goes to this Edina church. This is what I found:
    The majority of Minnesotans are Protestants, and that’s also the case with Amy Klobuchar. She’s a member of the United Church of Christ, a mainline Protestant denomination with the Congregational, Reformed, and Lutheran roots, but rarely discusses her faith in detail.
  • Paul Bade
    commented 2023-06-28 22:35:43 -0500
    This is not anything Martin Luther would recognize. I see nothing about God’s creating and providing care, nothing of the Gospel of Christ crucified for sinners, nothing of the Spirit who instills life-giving faith, or of the forgiveness of sins, or the coming Judgment. Instead, we have a pagan priestess reciting a self-absorbed and blasphemous creed of perversion. St. Paul wrote truly, “But evil men and impostors will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.” (II Timothy 3:13)

    This congregation is “Lutheran” in name only. If there are any Christians left there, they should read the Epistle of Jude, then leave immediately.
  • Connie Maros-Wirtz
    commented 2023-06-28 18:47:02 -0500
    How sick…the sparkle creed. Does the Capitol dancer attend this place of worship with Amy?
  • William Beck
    published this page in News 2023-06-28 16:52:16 -0500