The list of radical, extreme measures taking by Governor Walz against our beloved small businesses continues to grow. This week we're learning that his majesty is trying to confiscate earnings by the struggling small businesses who opened up in defiance of his unilateral, illegal orders. Most of them, opened up to try to make ends meet.
Using the Attorney General's office, Walz is attempting to get these small business owners to sign a document that would require them to pay the state "total gross revenue it received for indoor on-premise consumption of food and beverages" while the Governor unilaterally declared them to be closed. The document, if signed, would then compel the business owners, by signature, to submit to all future orders by the Governor.
It states, Signers of the Order:
shall fully comply with any future Executive Orders issued by the Governor, approved by the Executive Council, and filed in the Office of the Secretary of State in accordance with Minnesota Statutes Chapter 12 that apply to restaurants and/or bars while those Executive Orders are effective
One restaurant owner we spoke to equated the document to "signing his life away" and stated he would never sign it. The Cornerstone Cafe appears to have folded and signed it, according to KSTP.
This is another reason why we MUST End Walz' Emergency Powers once and for all. Politicians like Paul Marquart, Gene Pelowski, Julie Sandstede, Dave Lislegard, Mike Sundin and Rob Ecklund betrayed their voters on Monday by protecting Governor Walz' powers, despite voting to remove them before the election last November. They are now allowing the Governor to get away with confiscating the earnings of small businesses who can barely survive due to the continual shutdowns enacted by Walz.
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FacebookHe thinks he’s a President . Might as well call him HOOVER!