Governor Walz shockingly admits that his Emergency Powers did not save lives on a media call from Helsinki, Finland yesterday. "We all know, that there's no correlation between me using Emergency Powers, that actually shows that it protected people, or made a difference" stated Walz. For more than a year, Walz exercised Unilateral Emergency Powers that led to masking youth athletes, locking Minnesotans in their homes and destroying businesses, like the Alibi Drinkery in Lakeville. To this day, business owners who defied the Governor's illegal orders, are still fighting against the governor in courts.
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After noticing his admission, Walz walked back his statement by saying that Emergency Powers come at a political cost. "The issue is [Emergency Powers] come at a heavy price with the Republican Senators not doing anything" uttered the Governor. Walz then continued regurgitating the old talking points of "saving lives", despite any proof of the assertion.
The Governor clearly violated Article III of the Minnesota Constitution by exercising law-making powers under his Emergency Powers. For anyone in the dark on whether or not the Governor views his role as superior to the legislative branch, he states in the phone call that he only needs "some help from the legislature" when it comes to responding to COVID outbreaks.
Walz justified his statement on the non-effectiveness of using current Emergency Powers by highlighting the effectiveness of the vaccines, which were non-existent last year when he used his most extreme measures. However, the Governor's own Lieutenant Governor and running-mate, Peggy Flannagan, just recovered from her own breakthrough case of COVID despite receiving the vaccine. Vermont, one of the highest vaccinated states in the country, has a surge in COVID cases.
Action 4 Liberty believes Walz' admission (probably a parapraxis), is evidence on why businesses like the Alibi in Lakeville or the Broadway Bar & Grill in East Grand Forks, should have their legal cases dropped. The Governor not only lacked Constitutional authority to shut down businesses, he also did so without any scientific data that suggested it was effective.
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