Walz Extends "Stay at Home or Else" Order Until May 4th

Governor Tim Walz just extended his order for Minnesotans to stay at home or face criminal prosecution. His extension goes all the way until May 4th. Since his original order two weeks ago, several Minnesotans have been fined by police for violating the order. Walz also set up a hotline for citizens to report people disobeying the order.

This order states that "nonessential" workers must stay home. It also closes camping in state parks and forests. Bars, restaurants and non-essential businesses must remain closed.

Walz turns to state statutes to claim emergency powers. But statutes do not supersede the law of the land, our Constitution. More importantly, emergency powers in state statute cannot limit our God given rights protected by the Minnesota Bill of Rights.

Action 4 Liberty opposes this illegal emergency power. One person should not have the power to eradicate the rights of Minnesotans and destruct our economy. We call for Legislature to end Governor Walz Emergency powers!



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  • Elaine Collins
    followed this page 2020-04-13 12:55:01 -0500
  • June Fleck
    followed this page 2020-04-12 17:03:38 -0500
  • benjamin nelson
    commented 2020-04-08 15:51:06 -0500
    Not only is the governors order a violation of the US Constitutions 1st Ammendment, 4th Ammendment, and 10th Amendment, it has caused counties to close their intake windows thus violating the 2nd Amendment as well. ON TOP OF THAT, this extended decree violates the State of Minnesotas State Constitutions requirement of a maximum of 30 days state of peace time emergency. The governor does not have the authority, beyond the original 30 days granted in the state constitution, to extend his order. The state congress must pass said order as a stipulation of law. Despite any desire to stop the spread of a virus, we are still a nation, and a state dependant on laws. This “executive order” is unconstotutional on every side.