Walz Only Wants to Give Small Fraction of the Surplus Back to You

Governor Walz just insulted all Minnesotan taxpayers when he revealed this afternoon his plan to spend the majority of the $10 Billion surplus, only giving a small fraction of it back to taxpayers who were overcharged. Walz' plan would give checks of "$350 to married couples (earning up to $273,470)" and "$175 for single taxpayers (earning up to $164,400)." This is a small fraction of what is owed.

A budget surplus happens when the government overtaxed its citizens. Similar to a waitress overcharging a patron, the money should be promptly returned. Big government Democrats and Republicans generally look at surpluses as a way to spend more money on bloated government.

Despite media reports that state the budget surplus is $7.7 Billion, the real figures when accounting for the reserve funds is more than $10 Billion. With 2.5 million taxpayers in the state, the government should be giving back checks of $4,000 to everyone who pays in. 

Demand that your legislator and Governor Walz give back the entire surplus NOW! 


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  • Tammy Moore
    commented 2022-01-29 17:10:17 -0600
    MN state tax is ridiculously high, surpluses prove that
  • Jake Duesenberg
    published this page in News 2022-01-20 16:20:14 -0600