Walz Signs Genital Mutilation Sanctuary Bill Into Law

Governor Tim Walz signed Rep. Leigh Finke’s HF146 into law on Wednesday, which officially designates Minnesota as a sanctuary state for child genital mutilation surgeries.

This means that a disgruntled parent can drag their child to Minnesota for irreversible surgeries and hormone treatments with no repercussions. The state will not recognize court orders or wishes from the other parent in this regard.

Meanwhile, Minnesota’s neighbors have taken strong stands to protect children from genital mutilation. Iowa, South Dakota, and North Dakota have all banned genital mutilation for minors. This means that many deranged parents will be coming to Minnesota to abuse their children.

Action 4 Liberty has previously reported on Finke’s crazy bill, which you can read about here.

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  • Russell Jackson
    commented 2023-04-30 15:25:07 -0500
    This state is going to the dogs at warp speed. The new name for the state capital should be “The Kremlin” so Comrade Walz and the other DFL/socialists have a place to work. Can you sing the song “California Here I Comes”.
  • Russell Jackson
    commented 2023-04-30 15:22:48 -0500
    This state is going to the dogs at warp speed. The new name for the state capital should be “The Kremlin”. For Comrade Walz and the other DFL/socialists to work at. Like Jesse Watters says, “I am Walz, and this is my state”.
  • Tucker Hittesdorf
    commented 2023-04-28 12:23:57 -0500
    The Governor just earned a new nickname: No-Balls Walz
  • William Beck
    published this page in News 2023-04-28 11:31:41 -0500