Walz Won't Let Go of Emergency Powers, Extending Them Another 30 Days

Governor Tim Walz has held onto Unilateral Emergency Powers now for 453 days. The list of abuses of power and restrictions on our civil liberties with those Emergency Powers reads like a novel. From shutting down our economy to putting COVID patients into nursing homes, Walz has done things that should be immediate grounds for impeachment. But the Republican Establishment and Democrat machine is allowing him to continue his Unilateral Emergency Powers indefinitely. 

Now Walz is on the cusp of extending those powers for the 15th straight month, with no end in sight. It appears that Walz is planning on making his reign over Minnesota government a permanent fixture. Which is in clear violation of the Minnesota Constitution's Distribution of Powers clause...

Working with Rep Erik Mortensen, a true liberty champion in St Paul, we offered a solution to this problem called the Never Again Bill. If passed, the Never Again Bill would remove the governor's ability to unilaterally declare an emergency and require a 2/3 vote by the legislature. If an emergency is declared by the legislature, the governor's powers only deal with coordinating efforts with other government entities and restrict his ability to shut down the economy or infringe on our civil rights. 

But Senate Republican leadership is putting up a roadblock to this bill, despite the fact that three of their members have signed onto the Senate version of the bill. Majority Leader Paul Gazelka won't give the bill a vote and has instead put forward a separate bill that would End Emergency Powers temporarily. The bill's author, Sen Jeff Howe, stated it will "not do anything to Chapter 12...if another event happens, another pandemic, tornado or flood, [the Governor] could declare another emergency".

The Governor and Senate Majority Leader Paul Gazelka are meeting behind closed doors right now, cutting deals to avoid a partial government shutdown on July 1st. But all deals should be dead in the water until the Never Again Bill is passed. We MUST make our voice be heard!

It's time we showed Gazelka that we mean business. Michele Even, a true patriotic activist, has put together an excellent Never Again Protest on Monday, June 14th in front of the Senate Office Building. 

Michele wants our voice to be heard by every Senator, especially Gazelka, so they know there's a price to pay for selling out on Minnesota. For the first time in 15 months, the Senate Office building will be open to the public.

Join Michele, Rep Erik Mortensen and many patriots as the fence around the Capitol is torn down and the public is allowed back in. Make YOUR voice heard about how the Never Again Bill needs to pass before Gazelka agrees to a budget deal with Democrats.

Where: Senate Office Building

When: Monday, June 14th at 10:30 am

More information here.

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  • Jake Duesenberg
    published this page in News 2021-06-09 09:24:26 -0500