What We Saw At Kirk Cameron’s ‘See You At The Library’ Event

Last Saturday, hundreds of libraries across the country hosted actor Kirk Cameron’s “See You at the Library” (SYAL) events, where parents could bring their children for a wholesome and faith-based story hour. 

Our team brought a camera (with permission from the organizers) down to the SYAL event in Hastings, Minnesota. Both myself and our studio producer, Dawson, were pleasantly surprised by how smoothly the event went.

There were roughly 40 people in attendance, which included about 20-25 kids. The books read came from Kirk Cameron’s publisher, BRAVE Books, and included Little Lives Matter and Elephants are Not Birds.

There were no sexualized drag queens reading, nor were any dollar bills tucked away in inappropriate places. Just good children’s books and friendly faces.

Event organizers told the crowd as they departed that they would possibly host more of these events, whether they be annual or even monthly. To keep pace with the increasing frequency of “drag queen story hours,” we recommended the events be hosted as often as possible!


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  • Paul Bade
    commented 2023-08-10 12:59:09 -0500
    “Competition is a good thing” except in the Democrat Party, where, except for Robert Kennedy’s static position (as in hang on to the shrub halfway down the cliff), it’s a race to the bottom of the bottomless pit.
  • Paul Bade
    commented 2023-08-10 12:22:00 -0500
    President Trump gets a gag order on steroids, but Jack Smith’s take on the charges gets “leaked” to the Washington Post for every potential juror to see. The judge should put a gag order on Smith as well, and make it clear that any further leaks will be regarded as a violation of the order.
  • Paul Bade
    commented 2023-08-10 11:45:39 -0500
    “Resisting arrest?” I don’t see anything of that other than verbally questioning the action – something also protected by the First Amendment and the equivalent provision in Wisconsin’s constitution (Article i, Section 3). It’s a real stretch to call momentary tensing upon being surprised “resisting arrest,” especially since he was thereafter compliant.

    When St. Paul was mistreated by the authorities in Philippi, he could have left quietly when they sent word that he was to be released, but he recognized his obligation as a Roman citizen to stand up against their unlawful actions. Likewise, the Watertown authorities should be taken to court for their actions. There is a level of egregiousness that cancels “sovereign immunity.”
  • William Beck
    published this page in News 2023-08-09 13:59:53 -0500