Wisconsin Republicans Vote to End Governor Evers Mask Mandate

The Republican controlled Wisconsin State Assembly passed a resolution this afternoon that ended Governor Tony Evers' unconstitutional mask mandate, which like Minnesota, was issued unilaterally and without legislative support. 52 members voted in favor of the measure, 42 against it. Here's the vote.

In an extreme, illegal and unconstitutional response, Governor Evers immediately issued a new mask mandate order. This shows that Democrat governors like Evers and Walz have zero interest in restoring our government's to their representative democratic form. In fact, this kind of move makes Evers a traitor to our system of government and should lead to his impeachment. 

Action 4 Liberty seeks to End Walz' Emergency Powers. Learn more how we plan to do that by clicking here.

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  • Jake Duesenberg
    published this page in News 2021-02-04 16:40:01 -0600