Another RINO bites the dust in Minnesota! Career politician Dean Urdahl (16A) is ending his legislative career after nearly 22 years in his seat! This is a continuation of the conservative uprising brought about by citizen Patriots attending caucuses and becoming delegates.
Dean Urdahl has a 44% lifetime score on A4L scorecards and got only 53% in 2022! Included in his terrible voting record is helping Democrats pass woke education bills. The big government, anti-freedom standard for GOP legislators is being replaced by individuals who are demanding that our Constitutional Rights are protected. There is an ever-growing list of Legislators who are not seeking re-election for numerous reasons.
District 16A is a very conservative area and there is almost zero chance a Democrat is elected in that district. Urdahl initially announced in January that he would be seeking re-election but once he was faced with two conservative opponents, including Meeker County Commissioner Steve Schmitt and businessman Scott Van Binsbergen, his tune quickly changed! Urdahl now claims that politics is “hyper-partisan” and “activist driven” (as if that is a bad thing!) and says that his decision has “absolutely nothing” to do with his conservative opponents. Give me a break!
Action 4 Liberty has successfully led pressure campaigns against several legislators, including Democrats, causing them to retire in disgrace. One example of this is con-artist Gene Pelowski, who falsely voted to remove Walz’ Emergency Powers only to vote to keep them after he was re-elected. The falsification of his voting record was exposed to his constituents by A4L and we will continue to fight the corruption within our state! Pressure is the only thing politicians understand, wield it effectively!
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