Biden's Illegal Federal Vaccine Mandate for Healthcare Workers

Bully-In-Chief Joe Biden has overstepped his bounds once again! In an unprecedented move, Biden has illegally mandated vaccines for healthcare professionals in nursing homes NATIONWIDE! Many of these nurses have already contracted the COVID-19 virus and worked in these same conditions for over a year!

Yesterday's frontline heroes are now today's villains -- All because the President wants them to be inoculated with an experimental vaccine.

Biden has no authority given to him by the US Constitution to enact such a mandate. He will attempt to enforce his mandate by threatening to withhold Medicare and Medicaid payments to senior care facilities. Biden is unfairly making healthcare heroes choose between their jobs and the patients they are tasked to help.  

“With this announcement, I'm using the power of the federal government, as a payer of health care costs, to ensure we reduce those risks to our most vulnerable seniors.” Said Biden in his address on Wednesday.

This is the problem with giving the government more control over health care, they now use federal dollars to infringe on your health freedom.Thankfully, Representative Erik Mortensen will be introducing an amendment to nullify federal vaccine mandates during this fall’s special legislative session.

Rep Mortensen's Stop Vaccine Mandates Amendment would make Biden's executive order unenforceable in Minnesota. Sign the petition below to show your support.


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  • Charlyn Hromadko
    commented 2021-09-12 19:48:18 -0500
    Stop the mandate
  • Jennifer Lopez
    commented 2021-09-09 22:30:02 -0500
    Stop the mandate!!!
  • Marquardt Michelle
    commented 2021-09-09 20:31:57 -0500
  • Tami Altenburg
    commented 2021-08-29 10:07:26 -0500
  • Kate Carlson
    commented 2021-08-22 20:31:25 -0500
    Stop the mandate. We must have medical freedom!
  • Darcie Caho
    commented 2021-08-21 17:22:43 -0500
    Stop the Mandate!
  • Annie Gerlach
    commented 2021-08-21 14:48:57 -0500
    Stop the mandate!
  • Mary Schlangen
    commented 2021-08-20 18:45:29 -0500
    This is a is the new FLU. You can not control it. We all have choices. It is our choice to make not anyone else’s.
  • Heather Wilmes
    commented 2021-08-20 14:25:53 -0500
    I will not be controlled!
  • Hannah Dockendorf
    commented 2021-08-20 11:10:37 -0500
    Where there is risk, there must be choice! Stop the mandate!
  • Katherine Elizabeth
    commented 2021-08-20 11:08:08 -0500
  • Jeremiah VanOverbeke
    commented 2021-08-20 09:52:14 -0500
    Stop the mandate!
  • Chris Premetz
    commented 2021-08-20 09:38:09 -0500
    Stop the mandate
  • Cynthia Godzala
    commented 2021-08-20 08:31:43 -0500
    No No No!!!!
  • Kelly Cornet
    commented 2021-08-20 08:15:15 -0500
    People need to have a choice on what is injected into their body!
  • Wendy Kenmir
    commented 2021-08-20 07:59:50 -0500
    Stop the insanity! Stop the mandate! I have the right to decide if I want something injected into my body.
  • Chelsea Frazier
    commented 2021-08-20 07:47:48 -0500
    You can’t inject health.
    You know this is wrong!
    I should not have to beg for my freedoms. I will fight to the very end!! WE are the people!!!!!!!
  • Kelly Roen
    commented 2021-08-20 07:10:15 -0500
    Stop the MANDATE!
  • Nat Maish
    commented 2021-08-20 05:22:07 -0500
    STOP the mandate!
    It’s your risk , your choice.!
  • Sue Kugler
    commented 2021-08-20 05:13:16 -0500
    Freedom of choice! STOP THE MANDATE NOW!
  • Abby Christensen
    commented 2021-08-19 23:25:10 -0500
    Where there’s risk, there must be choice. Stop the mandate.
  • Abby Christensen
    commented 2021-08-19 23:25:10 -0500
    Where there’s risk, there must be choice. Stop the mandate.
  • Lara Arndt
    commented 2021-08-19 23:23:51 -0500
    Stop the mandate!
  • Tina Sparks
    commented 2021-08-19 22:46:17 -0500
    Stop it now
  • Stephanie Boecker
    commented 2021-08-19 22:35:50 -0500
    Stop the mandate now!
  • Alyssa Johnson
    commented 2021-08-19 22:33:28 -0500
  • Michelle Rockwell
    commented 2021-08-19 21:44:51 -0500
    Stop the mandate!
  • Tracey Popp
    commented 2021-08-19 21:24:04 -0500
  • Shannon Hennen
    commented 2021-08-19 21:21:09 -0500
  • Cody Cook
    commented 2021-08-19 20:26:09 -0500
    Stop Biden!!