Con Artist Democrat Dave Lislegard Sees Writing on the Wall, Quits Legislature

Con Artist Rep Dave Lislegard (DFL - Aurora) announced he is not seeking re-election to the Minnesota House of Representatives. Lislegard was one of six Democrat con artists who voted to remove Governor Walz' illegal Emergency Powers in 2020, then flipped and supported Walz' powers after the election.

After Lislegard conned his voters in January of 2021, Action 4 Liberty began a long door knocking campaign in Lislegard's Iron Range district, going to the doors of all his voters to EXPOSE his betrayal. In total, tens of thousands of voters were informed of Lislegard's actions at the door, by phone or in the social media and radio ads we ran in his district.

In late January, the pressure campaign against Lislegard boiled up and he used an official Minnesota House committee hearing to whine and complain about Action 4 Liberty

Eventually, Walz was forced to give up his emergency powers that summer, right before the vaccines were being mandated by the Biden Administration. Since Lislegard votes with metro Democrats on most issues, A4L continued exposing his actions in St Paul to his voters. He narrowly squeaked out a victory in November of 2022.

Here's a sample of the ads and lit pieces from our long campaign EXPOSING Lislegard:


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  • tom fagerlee
    followed this page 2024-06-01 18:42:02 -0500
  • Jake Duesenberg
    published this page in News 2024-05-29 11:04:23 -0500