Democrat Gun Control & Pedophile Bill Heading to Governor Walz' Desk

Only one Democrat legislator in the state of Minnesota had the "courage" to break free from the grasp of the Metro Democrat bosses and vote against the dangerous Gun Control Pedophile bill. Only one!

The Party of JFK has turned into a lunatic, cult where children are paraded in front of overtly sexualized adults and capable of receiving genital mutilation surgery. And those opposed to these insane ideas - they're labeled "hate groups."

The Gun Control & Pedophile bill (SF2909), also known as the Judiciary and Public Safety Omnibus bill, is an unconstitutional, multi-subject, 522 page disaster of legislation. It institutes Red Flag gun seizures and universal background checks. And it also amends the Minnesota Human Rights Act to make pedophilia a legitimate "sexual orientation."

We broke the story on Thursday about the bizarre pro-pedophilia language. The Minnesota corporate media has ignored the story and Democrat legislators have shrugged it off as not a big deal. But the pro-pedophile language affects Minnesota's "Unfair Discrimination Practices" and would now allow the "sexual attachment of children by adults" to be considered a protected class.

Here's the vote for the Minnesota House:

Here's the Senate vote:

The bill is headed to Liberal Governor Walz' desk, who has signaled support for this EXTREME legislation. God help Minnesota!

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  • Chris Hemmelgarn
    commented 2023-05-17 08:02:09 -0500
    He is try to be like FJB THE PEDOPHILE
  • Jake Duesenberg
    published this page in News 2023-05-16 15:59:00 -0500