Lislegard Seat Now Goes Republican

Double-speaking phony moderate Dave Lislegard (7B) remained in the State House as one of the last “Iron Range Democrats” for the last three terms. In May of 2024, Lislegard saw the writing on the wall and dropped his reelection bid, knowing full well that he could not win another term. Lislegard was lined up against a competitive Republican challenger named Cal Warwas.

Warwas ultimately won last night’s election for House District 7B with a nearly thirteen point margin of victory! See below:

Lislegard was the last remaining of six targets of Action 4 Liberty’s who deceived voters with votes about Walz’ Emergency Powers. Liselegard was one of six Democrats who voted to remove the unconstitutional Emergency Powers in 2020 then flipped and supported them AFTER the election! He conned his voters in January of 2021, proving that his loyalty was with party bosses instead of his constituents. Lislegard was only voting to end them because of the pressure that we put on him!

Action 4 Liberty launched a long door knocking campaign in Lislegard’s district to EXPOSE his betrayal. We reached tens of thousands of voters and informed them about the TRUTH, whether that be by door knocking, phone calls, social media, or radio ads. A4L can largely be credited for laying the groundwork to take Lislegard out. We knew we were on the right path when Lislegard had a meltdown about A4L during a House committee hearing!

Cal Warwas is a 28 year union steelworker and campaigned on the following issues: Pro-mining, Pro-jobs, Lower taxes, Pro-energy, Pro-life, Pro-gun Rights, Pro-public safety, pro-Education, and pro-parental Rights. Warwas was contacted by the article’s author via email in January 2024 asking if he would support the Never Again bill; No answer was ever provided to that question. Considering that we built massive support for this bill/the largest pro-medical freedom list in his district, Warwas would be foolish to oppose the Never Again Bill. It is clear that his constituents want to see it pushed, will he step up to the plate?

This seat flipping by such a massive margin shows that Minnesotans are fed up with the radical Democrat agenda. We have fought back against the corrupt politicians who care more about their own ambition than the freedoms of their constituents. Warwas will be watched with a close eye in the Legislature by many around our state. Action 4 Liberty will continue to provide We The People with reporting that you cannot find anywhere else.

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  • MAGA Jesse Smith
    published this page in News 2024-11-06 15:42:20 -0600