Minnesota House Democrats have sat with the moral low-ground as they no-show the opening weeks of the Legislature due to the GOP’s Majority. While GOP leadership has caved to the tyrannical Supreme Court and are now begging for their help, they could have simply assert themselves as a co-equal branch of government against Democrats in the Executive and Judicial branches like they did on the opening day of session.
This Constitutional Crisis has been controlled by Democrats and conformed to by RINOS. The GOP should have never allowed Steve Simon to falsely assert himself as the presiding officer when they have a quorum until HD40B’s vacant seat is filled.
A RINO exposing himself on X could be found yesterday when the House GOP Executive Director, Andrew Wagner, congratulated Ken Martin on his victory for DNC Chair and praises him for effectively beating them! See below:
It is no wonder why RINOs cave to liberal demands, uniparty swamp creatures serve the same masters. Instead of viewing Democrats as the enemy and an opponent, RINOs see them as colleagues that likely “agree on more than they disagree”. Rather than fighting for conservatives in this critical moment of MN history, the House GOP Exec. Director is kissing the butt of the new DNC Chair!
As seen in our previous reporting, A4L understands the combative, anti-freedom, big government agenda that Martin will puppet and “rebrand”. Conservative Patriots across our state are demanding that Republicans grow a spine and fight back during this Constitutional Crisis rather than bending the knee to Democrats. Unfortunately, the attitude of Wagner is one that is likely shared with many other RINOs in the Capitol.
Action 4 Liberty will continue to lead the grassroots liberty movement of Minnesota by spear-heading radical Democrats and caving RINOs head on! Unlike the House GOP RINOs, A4L will never submit to tyranny and will always fight for you. We will be your microphone and continue to expose the corruption within our state politics.
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