Where’s My Surplus Refund? When do We get OUR Money?

Minnesota’s $21 Billion Surplus was the largest in our state’s history. This stockpile of money was our overtaxed dollars that were not appropriated in the previous biennial budget. Any unused dollars after the passage of that budget is money that is directly owed back to taxpayers.

With the massive surplus, each taxpayer could have been given $8,000 a piece, but greedy politicians wouldn’t allow that. Before the Legislative session, Tim Walz was still campaigning for re-election and promised to give $1,000 to taxpayers! 

The Legislature decided to spend almost all of it and give their constituents the crumbs. Each taxpayer is set to receive $260 for themself and for up to three dependents. 

The question now is: When am I finally going to get my hard-earned money back?

The government stole our money and we have very little information about the status. After giving the Department of Revenue a call, we discovered that they plan to send out Surplus returns “early fall of 2023” which is about as broad of an answer as they could’ve given. They said that we can expect to see a press release and the returns will take place quickly afterward. Payments will be deposited into bank accounts or mailed to the tax filing address.

The amount of time this has taken is completely ridiculous. Our corrupt government never had any time issues when funding the fraudulent ‘Feeding Our Future’ scam or any of their lobbyist/special interest projects. But for whatever reason, they are dragging their feet in returning the money taxpayers are duly owed.

Perhaps one reason the Department of Revenue is slow to return our money is the recent uncovering of fraud as we reported. This fraud amounting to $352 Million within the omnibus tax bill that reverts tax cuts down to 2019 levels. This causes taxpayers, on average, to have an increase in their taxes by $210 and a loss of $1,000 in tax deductions! Maybe they are running low on funds and are getting nervous!

Action 4 Liberty has been the only group in Minnesota that has consistently called for the return of the entire Surplus and to not spend a dime of it. The Legislature wasted our money, Walz supported it in lockstep, and now the Department of Revenue is stalling. We deserve our money back and DEMAND it now!

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  • MAGA Jesse Smith
    published this page in News 2023-07-11 15:47:40 -0500