Tim Walz is THE symbol of Health! He just took ANOTHER vaccine that will not stop him from catching or spreading Covid. What a hero!
Tim Walz has used COVID shots to build up his moral high ground and talk down to Minnesotans. This virtue signaling turned into mandates that threatened the livelihoods of common men and women across our state. If you exercised your medical freedom and refused a government mandated injection, your job was on the line. Not because you did anything wrong, but because China leaked a virus.
Walz just got $190,000 from your Surplus money to spend on more COVID vaccines. How could this happen with the GOP controlled Senate? Weak-kneed Republicans caved or sold out their constituents.
With Walz’ second booster shot of the J&J vaccine and previous COVID contractions, he should have all the immunity in the world! However, nobody will ever be “fully vaccinated” to the Left. And of course, the only immunity for vaccines are for the big pharma corporations. The question is now if Walz will consider mandating booster shots like he did with the first vaccines.
I congratulate Tim Walz for his consistent stupidity and newly injected immune system! We can’t wait for you to get another!
- Jesse Smith
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