A4L Will Continue Leading Charge Exposing Corrupt Tim Walz

News is spreading like wildfire that incompetent Kamala Harris has selected Minnesota’s wannabe dictator as her running mate. Tyrant Tim Walz has been hoisted into the national spotlight by the mainstream media and will be sold as a moderate, midwest Governor who is balancing the ticket. The reality is that Walz is just as radical as Kamala Harris and BOTH are empty suits who will do or say anything to gain power.

The fraud in flannel has implemented the most radical agenda in the history of our state including no age limit on transgender surgeries (even paraded a six year old out as a “transgender”), putting tampons in the boy’s bathrooms, abusing Emergency Powers as Governor, drove drunk in 1995 then pretended to be deaf to get out of it, refused to deploy/abandoned troops while on active duty in the MN Army National Guard, his love of Communist China, and praising Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum. We were the FIRST to uncover his support for the anti-humanity globalists in the WEF. Be sure to read our full report on the corrupt career of Tim Walz.

Action 4 Liberty has been leading the battle against Tim Walz and his tyrannical actions as Governor from Day One. While most politicians and groups will kiss Walz’ butt and try to play access-based politics, A4L has always spoken the truth and said it right to Tyrant Tim’s face! Many Patriots remember the viral video where now A4L President, then State Rep. Erik Mortensen was mocking masked up Walz offering lemon bars on the state House floor. While other “Republicans” were chummy as could be with this fraud, Mort ripped into Walz for NEVER being at the Capitol, being disconnected from Minnesota, and throwing Lisa Hanson in jail simply for opening HER business during Covid.

In fact, we even predicted a Kamala/Walz ticket in a July 20th, 2024 article (before Biden had even dropped out). It is clear that Action 4 Liberty can keep our eyes on the ball and see where it is going.

On July 4th, 2022, MAGA Jesse confronted Tim Walz at the Independence Day parade in the Iron Range town of Nashwauk while wearing a “DUMP WALZ” t-shirt! While Jesse’s family roots come back to the Iron Range, Walz was only around because he was desperate for votes outside of the twin cities during his Governor run. During the exchange, Walz tried to belittle Jesse and ask if he even knew who Walz was. Jesse said he did and said he just wanted a picture! Jesse also told Walz that he NEVER sees him in Nashwauk, especially in 2020 when his lockdowns prevented the town from holding their annual parade (The Smith family organized their own parade that year and were joined by the Nashwauk Police and Firemen). Walz falsely claimed that he was in Nashwauk “every year”. See picture below:

From lockdowns to budget surpluses to our God-given Rights, Action 4 Liberty has led the charge on every battle for liberty in our state. The importance of hard-hitting, truth-telling, anti-establishment groups like A4L becomes clearer every single day. Politicians are fighting to strip us of our freedom while we are fighting to restore our freedom. We will continue to expose Tyrant Timmy on all fronts and be the leading voice for conservative thinking in Minnesota. Our attitude and political style is a threat to the power of the corrupt and we are not letting up on the gas now. Support us as we take the battle against Tim Walz nationally and expose his insane record to the great men and women of our country!

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  • Action 4 Liberty
    published this page in News 2024-08-06 10:23:18 -0500