Weird Walz Throwing Stones in a Glass House

The fraud in flannel, Tyrant Tim Walz, has been making national headlines for his potential role as DEI Kamala’s running mate. As Minnesotans who have been unfortunate enough to live under his reign, we know that he would destroy our nation like he has destroyed our state. The undeserved praise and support Walz has received from Democrats and their propaganda arm (mainstream media) is enough to make the stomach turn of anyone who knows better. Even just today (8/1/24) Walz is pushing to infringe on our 2nd Amendment Rights.

Walz is largely under consideration for this role because of Trump’s increasing poll numbers in MN and because the Democrats cannot escape the political prism they have centered around race and gender. All VP contenders are white men with phony “moderate” titles/labels, this includes: KY Gov. Andy Beshear, Transportation Sec. Pete Buttigieg, AZ Sen. Mark Kelly, PA Gov. Josh Shapiro, and Tyrant Timmy. 

You may be able to find blue-dog Democrats among the Citizenry but they are non-existent among the political class. The Democratic Party has become the party of open borders, war, silencing speech, locking up political opponents, debt-ridden spending, and mutilating children/toddlers. On each of those major issues, there is little to no difference between any elected Democrat. The philosophy and psychology of the Left is leading to a totalitarian, anti-freedom society. This will not be accomplished by the so-called “radicals”, this will instead be done by the so-called “moderates”.

It is now rumored that Walz is the VP choice of Obama and Pelosi.

Walz has particularly picked up attention for his overvalued insult against J.D. Vance by suggesting that he is “weird”. This talking point has been picked up by the Fake News mafia and even Kamala herself. It should come as no surprise that out-of-touch politicians would rather deflect with attacks than deal with issues on their face, it’s what they always do. The irony is that someone with the personal and political history (baggage) of Tim Walz should be the LAST person who should ever set the terms for debate! Walz, however, is not weird like his ideology. It is not weird, but rather common, for an empty-suit politician to do as they are told and implement the big government agenda. The vast majority of career politiicians kiss the ass of their party overlords to reach higher office. That is exactly what Walz is doing.

There are many details of his life and political tenure that certainly has reason to be called WEIRD such as his drunk driving incident where he pretended to be deaf, his refusal to deploy while on “active duty” in the military, his praise of Klaus Schwab & the World Economic Forum (WEF), and parading six year olds for mutilation/castration drugs. These incidents and many more are provided below in what is potentially the largest info-dump of the crooked and shady record of Tim Walz over the years.






Tim Walz has been a totalitarian, big government puppet his entire career. His consideration for Vice President should be a massive wake-up call for Minnesota conservatives (and all conservatives) to fight the destruction he and Kamala would cause. Do not allow the media or Democrats to set the terms for debate and never allow Walz to be called a “moderate”. As Minnesotans, we have the first-hand knowledge that of Tyrant Tim that MUST be disseminated to Patriots in case he is selected. Action 4 Liberty will continue to provide Patriots with hardcore truth and information that cannot be found anywhere else. It is up to all of us to Save America!

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  • MAGA Jesse Smith
    published this page in News 2024-08-02 08:38:28 -0500